Friday, March 14, 2008

Accuracy - 9.5. I desire a writing gig.

Everyone says you have to work hard to get what you want, but maybe you don't this time. Simply having the desire in mind might be enough to make something wonderful occur.

Last Monday I sent a query to a magazine about an essay I (ahem) have been working on and would they be interested? Today I got an email with an enthusiastic Yes! Now I have to admit -- I haven't written anything. I mean, I've written most of it in my head. But they want me to send it in! And they want 2,000 words!

Good grief I'm using a lot of explanation points today. My son's teacher taught the kids that explanation points are called Excitement Marks, because you use them when you are excited. I love that. One day my son was reading for school and I had to write down how he did. It was the first time he had really read well and I told him I was writing Great on his paper. He looked at it then picked up the pencil, "Mom, you forgot the Excitement Mark!"

Ok, time to get that essay out of my head and into my computer. Note to future employers: I don't query unless I have written something . . . on the empty space in my head.


Chip Duford said...

I'll tell you a story that is somewhat related to this horoscope. I talked about it a little on my blog, but today a new wrinkle was added.

One of the last auditions I had when I was in New York City was for the Cornell University Resident Actor/Teacher program. Now, I've auditioned for them in the past and gotten rejections, but really nice personalized rejections that suggested that 'this season just didn't quite work out," but keep trying.

Well, I submitted my stuff again this year for consideration but never heard anything. I was waiting and waiting for AT LEAST a callback, I mean, they were doing 1-2 productions in their season where I could have seen myself being cast. But, anyway, nothing.

So I decided I'd try for the open call. But it was the end of the week, and the really important auditions I had that week had gone pretty well, and did I really want to end the week getting nothing from an open call from a company that reassured me to keep trying, and yet, when I did, gave me no response?

Well, as fortune would have it, they remembered me from two years ago, and CALLED ME BACK!!!

It was a nice callback too! They were very talky (V-E-R-Y important for an actor, even if nothing happens. It feels like they're interested.)

Fast forward to today. What did I get in the mail? An envelope from Cornell! It was a very t-h-i-n envelope too (which is never good for an actor ... because it usually reeks of 'Thanks For Playing ... Keep Trying' ... as this one did.)

I open it, and the verbage is similar, but something doesn't ring true, and I have to reread it a time or two before I realize that it is indeed NOT a rejection letter, or rather it IS a rejection letter, but not for their season. It was a rejection letter for my application packet, which fortunately I circumvented by going to the open call.

Someone wanted me to audition for them, even if it wasn't through the ... well ... cushier means of auditioning. I wasn't INVITED. But I did manage to get my foot in the door!

I'll fill you in when I get the REAL rejection letter. ;)

Stacey said...

That rocks! Very cool. So glad you kept at it. Keep me posted. And send me the link to your blog again.

Chip Duford said...