Monday, May 5, 2008

A welcome rest - 10!

Every now and then, you're in the perfect astrological position to make your dreams come true. This is your time. All you have to do is stop searching. Let things unfold as they will. You can't help but find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

After an exhausting ice show weekend (no, I wasn't skating, just volunteering) I was too tired to 'scope last night, but couldn't help checking yesterday's this morning.

This horoscope couldn't be more welcome! Stop searching?! Hooray! I really don't have time for searching in my calendar this week anyway. And I'm looking forward to my pot of gold!


Anonymous said...

I suggest we sit on some comfy lounge chairs, big margaritas in hand and wait for your success to come. If you throw in a pool boy who gives shoulder massages, I'll wait all freaking week with you.

Stacey said...

Maybe my Success will bring margaritas and pool boys with it!