Thursday, November 13, 2008

Can you spare a little change? 5

The big changes coming into your life are coming -- be patient! As excited as you might be for them, you can't rush them before their time. If you do, you run the risk of becoming too overwhelmed too soon -- and then they won't be as much fun as you thought they'd be. They'll just be a bunch of headaches. So let things unfold on their natural timetable.

The big changes that are coming are coming? Really? Because I thought the "coming" changes might have stopped off for a drink somewhere or found something better to do and weren't coming anymore.

As for overwhelmed, it's pretty much a constant state these days. And I'm certainly not rushing anything tonight. I should be writing or working on websites but am watching TV - which I hardly ever do these days. (Yeah, yeah, yeah... I hear the excuse).

I am trying to be calm and flexible and wait on the natural timetable. But it's really hard to wait on the natural timetable when you don't have a printed copy.

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