Wednesday, March 18, 2009

If today is your birthday

You possess all the ingredients for romantic success in the year ahead because you are inspired by even the most mundane events and ideas. You are more playful and fun, so loved ones will respond favorably to your ideas. On the business or career front, you might want to buckle down and be an example of sterling precision from September through December. Others may be more critical of your work -- but at the same time will reward your honest efforts. Don't make promises, sign contracts or make important changes during those months.

You are wonderfully flexible in your attitudes this year. You are driven, but you also go with the flow. You'll be serious about your goals while creating a happier world with your laughter. You get clear about what you really want in April. May brings greater freedom and excitement. June features family bonding. Taurus and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are 24, 44, 8, 30 and 40.

I love that Taurus and Virgo adore me; especially since I don't think I really know any. I'll have to check that out. And why aren't my lucky numbers in chronological order? Are they only lucky in that particular order? And what are the odds that 44 is my lucky number now that I've turned 45? Maybe it's like on Lost and those numbers will just keep appearing everywhere I go this year but I'll never know exactly what they mean even when I have to keep punching them into my computer or alarm lock at 45 minute intervals to stop them from beeping.

And how am I supposed to go four months without making any promises? I have children, for Pete's sake. My 8-year old is constantly asking "Do you promise?" "Sorry, honey, mommy's horoscope says she can't. Check back in January."

No success or money predictions. Hmmmm. I hope that doesn't mean that there won't be any success or money.

Should be an interesting year. At least I didn't get my cutlery taken away again.

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