Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's a good thing 8

If you're a homebody right now, that's a good thing!

I have been a total homebody. To the point of hiding out in my basement. I'm tired of babysitting my cell phone and email, just waiting for a job, an investor, anyone to contact me and cleaning out the basement is keeping me busy. And I'm actually accomplishing something. It feels pretty good to throw stuff out and get the rest of it organized. It feels great to walk into a spacious, not crowded, laundry room.

It feels good to let my mind relax too. My mind has been running about 100 mph since last winter and trying to actually give something some thought is like trying to enter a speeding highway. I needed to slow down and not think about anything, but be doing something at the same time. If that makes any sense.

So thank you, my Martha Stewart Horoscope, for letting me know I'm on to a 'good thing.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're good. I would have had my Crackberry on a shelf in the basement, watching for the red alert light to flash.