Monday, July 21, 2008

Monthly Dues 2

Your initiation into a private group is not formal, but it's real. You pass, just by being yourself and taking the same actions you would take for anyone.

I really thought this had some exciting possibilities when I read it this morning, but - again - nothin. Seriously, Universe, aren't you getting a little tired of teasing me? There must be something else you could be doing. And don't say I deserve it because I'm the one giving you a rating. Have you checked your numbers lately? Not so good.

Why am I taunting the Universe?

I'm trying to think of any groups I may have informally joined today. Was I inducted into something in absentia? (I've always wanted to work in absentia into a sentence. I can't believe it just happened!) Perhaps I was just now inducted into the group of People Who Use Legal Terms Needlessly.

I hope Elle Woods is here.

I'm killing myself! Legal terms AND pop culture references.

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