Monday, September 15, 2008

Permission slip to be a bitch

You have been holding back long enough. It's time that others realize who you are and what's important to you. Don't think about what's good for anyone else. Don't even ask for advice now, for the answer will most likely be of no help. Pushing your own agenda forward will not only get you closer to your goals, but will also make everyone aware of your abilities.

This is so freakin powerful! I only wish I had an agenda to push. I mean, there are things I want to accomplish and I have started working on them but after reading this even I am afraid of messing with me!

I turned in a magazine article this morning and for the first time did not neurotically ask six different people to read it and give me their opinions first. That might not sound like much, but for me it's pretty big. I'm rarely able to take a step without checking with someone first to make sure it's OK. I don't why I'm that way, but I'm tired of it. So I turned in the article this morning and not only did the world NOT end and the editor did NOT hate it but she wrote back right away and said it was good.


Be aware of my abilities everybody. Be very aware.

1 comment:

Only the Half of It said...

Who knew you needed permission?