Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stop in the name of thought 4

Stop thinking. Replace thinking with dreaming, believing and doing.

Who advises someone to dream over thinking? Believing and doing I can see, but dreaming? What the...?

And how do you STOP thinking? I have really tried and all I can get to is "Oh, so here I am, not thinking. Well, this isn't really all that different."

Thinking here must mean worrying, 'cuz if you take that out of the equation - any equation - it's much easier to get things done. I've accomplished a lot of things because I didn't know (i.e. think or worry) that I shouldn't be able to do them. So how do I get back to that place? I know too much now. I've seen too many limitations. I've experienced too many limitations.

Though I know my default status is Unwarranted Optimism. Guess I just need to hit Reset.

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