Those projects you think you don't have time for are holding you back from accomplishing something important.
Oooooh, Horoscope. That was a very nice and subtle way of telling me to get off of my ass. Nicely done. I'll get busy.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Get busy! 8
Monday, September 21, 2009
Get Back 4
An area of your life is getting out of control. Cut back.
Just one area? That's a relief. Right now it feels like EVERY area but I am NOT complaining because I complained about being too busy at the end of July and ended up sitting on my butt next to a non-ringing phone for the entire month of August. I'm not making that mistake again. I LOVE being busy. (You hear that, Universe?) I LOVE it when my life is out of control. I'm NOT cutting back. At least not until my head starts spinning and/or I start forgetting where I've left my children (which could happen today.)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Get your game on
Someone has to have fun, so it may as well be you.
I was thinking I should get some work done since the kids are back to school today but if you want me to play, Horoscope, I guess I'll play.
Now, where are my jacks?