Saturday, November 29, 2008

Rest and shop, shop and rest 5

There is rest for the weary, contrary to popular opinion. Take a well-deserved vacation from troubles and woes. You will find there are plenty of bargains to be found if you go shopping this weekend.

Could not escape my troubles and woes but did go shopping today with Husband and found exactly what we were looking for. Kinda feel like this 'scope is cheating, though. I mean, of course there are bargains to be found this weekend. I don't need Astrology to tell me that.

Did I rest, or take a vacation from my troubles and woes? Not really. Had a fun day, but still have my worries and my windmills to tilt at. I'm so weary of them; is there really rest?

Also - I have no idea why the post below ended up on Mon 11/24. It's from Thanksgiving, which is why I talk about .... Thanksgiving. (11/27)

Monday, November 24, 2008

No turkey 2

You've got to make sure that you're not just chugging through the day without paying attention to those around you. There's a lot more going on than you realize yet, so open those eyes!

What did I miss? Think I paid attention today, but I did leave my glasses up at mom and dad's house...

Thought it was a pretty fun Thanksgiving. Chatted with my niece and nephew that I haven't seen in a while, helped with the dishes, made sure everyone's wine glass stayed filled...think I covered all the important stuff. If felt like a good day so I'm not going to second guess it.

I'm stuffed full of good food, I had a great time with my family, and I got my son to try turkey. All in all, a success.

The sign says.... 9

Minor irritations create pearls, but it might be better to clam up. Building a storehouse that holds pearls of wisdom requires an atmosphere of tranquility. Don't let outside influences upset you.

I'm trying really hard not to let minor irritants get to me, but today was a day full of irritations. In the ortho waiting room this morning I had to wait (extra long it seemed) next to Sniffles Woman. Hey, how about blowing your nose? I was reading Elle magazine while I waited and when I got to the book reviews read "there is a LOT of memoir out there, and Chick Lit, too much really..." Great. Effing terrific. I've been working my butt off on memoir chick lit and the market is already glutted! Once again I'm a step behind. Then when I get to the chiropractor we are chatting as he contorts and yanks my spine and he asks what I've been doing and I tell him I'm finishing a book and he asks what it's about and I tell him and he says "People will read that?"

Is this some kind of test? Am I being pushed to see how much adversity I will put up with, how bad I really want this? Or am I supposed to realize that I am spending hours and hours working on something that no one will ever read? I try to pay attention to the signs I'm given but how am I supposed to distinguish between signs and tests without a little help here?


Should I try to remain tranquil and not let these outside influences upset me? Or should I....give it up?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Busy busy busy 9

Your 10th House of Public Responsibility is receiving a lot of attention, especially when noisy Mercury arrives for a 3-week visit. Although today may be a day of rest on the calendar, you are in a period of rock and roll where the excitement mounts and pretty much anything can happen. It may be tempting to drift off and be an observer, but it's a lot more entertaining to remain an active participant.

I really don't like Public Responsibility and I don't know why Mercury has to be so noisy and I don't have time for anything exciting. Trying to write a book here.

But I would be lying if I said I would eschew the excitement for rest and relaxation. It's just not in me. And I think it's pretty interesting that three weeks from today is the Skate for the Cure event that I am helping to promote, with Thanksgiving and ice show auditions, and a competition, and book due date in between.

Oh, and Christmas shopping, and getting gifts wrapped because we're going on vacation, and making sure everyone has clothes for warm weather to wear on vacation, and getting ready for Son's birthday party.

And selling Christmas Cookie Trees.

What else have I forgotten? Three weeks might not be enough time.

Friday, November 21, 2008

School supplies at the ready 9

The Sagittarius Sun will lots of writing for the next four weeks, so break out a new notebook and start journaling.

I'd like to be finished with my writing project before 4 weeks are over but if I'm honest -- 4 weeks is a fair estimate. But then it will be done. Done! And the book can go on to where it needs to and I can go on and do what I need to do and when we meet later it'll be like...

Me: Book, you look good! Nice cover.

Book: Thank you. And look at you, you've been busy! Is that my baby brother?

Me: It's a girl, but yes.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

But we were just getting reaquainted! 8

A financial woe may force you to tighten your belt over the next few weeks, but it will be the only way to regain your footing. Place a malachite or jade stone under your pillow to encourage more money to come your way.

Nooooooo! I thought I was finally getting the financial situation under control. WHAT is this about? I don't think I CAN tighten my belt any more, it has practically been cutting off my circulation.

I am seriously considering putting my jade ring under my pillow tonight. I sounds ridiculous. But if you were told how to encourage money to come your way and it involved putting something under your pillow that you actually'd do it right? I's not too stupid, is it?

And what is malachite? Because if I have some of that it's going under the pillow too. Heck, I'm just going to put my whole jewelry box under there tonight.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

If you can't say anything nice....2

The Sagittarius Sun will have people bragging about you today, but even if the praise is justified, you're wise to remain humble. (

How would I know if people were bragging about me today? Most people don't brag about other people right in front of them...."Did you hear what a FANTASTIC job Stacey did? Right, Stacey? You were fantastic, weren't you?"

So, not knowing what the praise was, I have no idea if it was justified or not. I would just like to say that if there WAS praise or bragging going on about me today....I humbly thank you!

Friday, November 14, 2008

2 out of 3 ain't bad - 8

Be steadfast in tackling all the projects that have been eluding you over the last few weeks; get them done now. The Gemini moon will inspire your gift of gab, and you'll find yourself engaged in conversation with just about everyone who crosses your path - even virtual strangers. Any health problems that flare up can be attributed to stress; to alleviate them, go to bed early this evening. (

I tackled projects all day - and am still trying to tackle them. Wrote three blogs, made gift bags for the skating festival, went to Target, and have the book file open to work on. It's all projects all the time. And I totally did have the gift of gab today. I didn't see that many people, but definitely was chatty with everyone - even the strangers - that I did come across. Now back is sore from sitting on bleachers in the skating rink but I can't go to bed early; Daughter has friends over and the mom won't be here until the high school play is finished.

I'm trying not to be stressed. Things are working out so I don't know why I just can't trust that they will continue to work out. Why do I do that to myself? I know it's ridiculous and I do it anyway.

If I'm in bed on my laptop does that count as going to bed early?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Can you spare a little change? 5

The big changes coming into your life are coming -- be patient! As excited as you might be for them, you can't rush them before their time. If you do, you run the risk of becoming too overwhelmed too soon -- and then they won't be as much fun as you thought they'd be. They'll just be a bunch of headaches. So let things unfold on their natural timetable.

The big changes that are coming are coming? Really? Because I thought the "coming" changes might have stopped off for a drink somewhere or found something better to do and weren't coming anymore.

As for overwhelmed, it's pretty much a constant state these days. And I'm certainly not rushing anything tonight. I should be writing or working on websites but am watching TV - which I hardly ever do these days. (Yeah, yeah, yeah... I hear the excuse).

I am trying to be calm and flexible and wait on the natural timetable. But it's really hard to wait on the natural timetable when you don't have a printed copy.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Got To Be....Me 8

You'll be getting a lot of positive reinforcement today, in the form of beautiful words about how wonderful you are, how smart you are, how desirable you are. Naturally, this will leave you feeling pretty good about yourself! Build on that good feeling by taking a few more bold risks and challenges in your life -- you need to start believing that you can excel in the most demanding situations. After all, everyone else believes you can! It's perfectly fine to prove them right. (Washington Post)

Oh, hello, Horoscope from Yesterday, lookee here. You said my life would suck today because of the companions, wine, and song from last night and I would just like to tell you that it did NOT! I totally rocked my audition. No, I don't know if I got it or not, but who cares - I was fab!!

Now to the bold risks and challenges. Hmmm... let's see. I made a magic wand for Daughter's skating duet. I reached out to some media about the skating team exhibition and fundraiser. I attended a Figure Skating Club Board Meeting. I...what the hell? There was nothing bold, risky, or challenging about my day after the audition. What a disappointment. Once again I spent my day working on stuff for my kids.

Maybe I'll just feel good about myself today and take some risks tomorrow. That sounds like a plan.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Curses, foiled again 9

If you need to be on your toes tomorrow, go easy on the wine, companions and song. Really easy. All of these categories can be hazardous to your career.

Shoot! Son's guitar teacher and Daughter's skating coach both called in sick so I took it as a sign that we should stay home and eat dinner as a family. I had two glasses of wine, then we played Rock Band! I've done everything wrong!! And I have an audition tomorrow for a movie role!

Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn!

I have got to start reading my horoscope earlier in the day.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

TLC is a requirement not an option 5

Make no mistake -- the most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself. So today, don't be shy about putting yourself first. Lavish some time on yourself and give yourself some tender loving care. Don't forget to consciously thank the universe for giving you the choices it's given you. Every single one of them has taught you more about how strong and amazing you are.

Guess I did that - in a way. It wasn't much of a choice, though I guess I could have chosen to keep working and ignore the pain in my, no I couldn't. So I gave myself an ice pack and a movie and stayed in bed all afternoon.

Not sure what my choices are - or have been - but I'm pretty happy with the Universe. I know I taunt.... but it's because I love. Please keep that in mind next time I start screaming or whining. I'm really pretty pretty happy. And amazing. Not so sure about strong.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

How can you dream if you're wide awake? 0

Dreams are for sleeping and usually for keeping to yourself. However, you may find that sharing some of your most unusual ideas and flights of fancy with someone will help you find ways to make at least one of them a reality. (Detroit News)

I see a few problems here. A) All of my ideas are unusual. B) I didn't discuss any ideas with anyone today. C) I'm not that good at keeping my thoughts to myself. And D) I haven't been SLEEPING!

This horoscope totally does not apply to me. It's like the opposite of me. Really, Universe, if you want me sharing dreams I need to get over this back pain so I can sleep. Is that too much to ask?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Be careful who you vote for 9

The decisions you make today are going to affect more than just your life -- other people are more involved than you realize. This doesn't mean that you should make different choices than you were planning to make, it just means that if you do, you should be prepared for some conflict -- not everyone is going to be happy. (abridged from

Couldn't this be the horoscope for everyone who voted today? Or maybe I am that "one vote" that can change everything that we keep hearing about. Either way, everyone is not going to be happy tomorrow. Only about half the people are.

Will there be conflict? Or will the country do what it usually does and accept what the voters have wrought?

Did I decide anything else today besides who to vote for? Well, I did decide to buy a purse and probably spent more on it than I normally would and you would think that I would be full of buyer's remorse and guilt over spending too much money but I'm just not. I can't remember the last time I bought something that was strictly selfish, and while I'm not holding on to the "I deserve it dammit!" mentality I know that I've been looking for a purse for over 6 months and am pretty darn happy with this one. I refuse to feel guilty.

Though that could be the wine I've been consuming to dull the pain of the flu vaccine I got today. I do NOT remember them hurting this bad.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The mysterious allure of a good night's rest 7

You'll be drawn to the mysterious and metaphysical as the Sun and Mercury travel through Scorpio. You'll also contemplate new dreams or a favorite fantasy under the optimistic Aries Moon.

If my bed is mysterious and metaphysical then this 'scope is dead on. I still have trouble sleeping because of back issues. I'm feeling better during the day but sleeping gets painful, especially when I move at all so I end up waking up at least 10 times a night and, lately, getting up WAY earlier than I would like. Thank God for Ambien because there are some nights that my body just knows that it will start hurting an hour after I lay down and I won't even be able to get to sleep. I kept trying to nap today but it didn't really take. And with the time change, I am at a severe sleep deficit.

I am contemplating my favorite fantasy that involves no back pain and everyone else in my family putting their own frickin' dishes in the dishwasher. Is that really too much to ask?