Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Stop in the name of thought 4

Stop thinking. Replace thinking with dreaming, believing and doing.

Who advises someone to dream over thinking? Believing and doing I can see, but dreaming? What the...?

And how do you STOP thinking? I have really tried and all I can get to is "Oh, so here I am, not thinking. Well, this isn't really all that different."

Thinking here must mean worrying, 'cuz if you take that out of the equation - any equation - it's much easier to get things done. I've accomplished a lot of things because I didn't know (i.e. think or worry) that I shouldn't be able to do them. So how do I get back to that place? I know too much now. I've seen too many limitations. I've experienced too many limitations.

Though I know my default status is Unwarranted Optimism. Guess I just need to hit Reset.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Germ party 0

Hang on to your hat. You may be stirred to make snap decisions and move at a brisk pace with social affairs.

The only thing I wanted to do with my hat was throw up in it. No snap decisions and no brisk pace and certainly no social affairs. Had such a brutal headache I nearly cancelled Daughter's ortho appointment; but I didn't send her to school with lunch as the appt. was during her lunch hour and she wouldn't have anything to eat. Yes, I know, I'm such a good mom for not letting my daughter starve so I could nap and/or lie moaning about my headache.

Still, even through the nausea and horrible headache it wasn't a bad day. Finished some work, heard from a part-time gig I applied for last month and, yes, they want me, and Daughter worked out skating issues and is feeling better. Oh, and son is learning to write with his left hand because of the broken arm. The nice thing is that his regular handwriting is still so sloppy that the left-hand writing doesn't look that bad.

I'm convinced I contracted some disgusting germs from handling money in the concession stand Saturday night. Maybe the germs are moving at a brisk pace through my system and will be gone tomorrow.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Home is where the... 2

Turn your attention to home and loved ones today; reconnect with playful, restful activities under the comfort driven Virgo Moon.

My attention was ALL on my home today but it was not playful or restful. Furiously cleaned the house this morning, harping on kids to help out until I hated the sound of my own voice. But why am I scrubbing and inhaling bleach fumes while my 13-year old daughter - who HAS no back issues - lies on the couch watching DVR'd episodes of Project Runway?

Virgo Moon, I believe you are really driving me to create comfort for others, and while I applaud your efforts please don't try and pass this off as "reconnecting activities." The only connection we had this morning was a bad attitude. If you really want me to spend the day in a playful, restful mood, give me a heads up the day before and let me know to get all the housework done so I'm not bitter and cranky.

Or maybe you're just off: tomorrow is all about the "reconnecting activities" -- popcorn sale with son in the morning and skating carpool and coach/parent/skater conference with daughter in the afternoon. I doubt these events will be playful or restful either, but what's a mom to do?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

'Cuz the experts are sooooo smart 0

If you listen to the experts under today's Leo Moon, you'll learn about a financial change that can add more stability to your movements.

Seriously? The President was on TV last night delivering the bad news about the economy, McCain and Obama have practically halted their campaigns and met with all the mucky-mucks in Washington today (though from the sound of it, the meeting was purely for appearances), the market has been up and down like a teeter totter, and I'm supposed to believe that SOMEWHERE out there is an expert with an idea for a financial change that will make everything OK. At least for me.

Pardon me for being doubtful.

Though maybe it just means there's a financial change I can make that will make me walk more stable. Like dividing the change equally in my pants pockets. If I carried any change in my pants pockets.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How will I recognize them? 4

Tonight's Cancer Moon may reconnect you with loved ones from a past life.

FREAKY! This is SO going to bring on insomnia.

Oh, re: yesterday's scope. Got a call today for a commercial shoot in a few weeks. Perhaps I should raise the rating.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The sound of my stupidity 7

When you hear the sound of your voice, you should be pleased. If you're not, find a better way to express yourself.

Seriously, how did I NOT get a call for a voice over audition today? I even walked right into TWO agencies today to drop off head shots -- nothing.

Though maybe I was supposed to be putting my voice over demo together. Doh!

OR, since I don't really like the sound of my voice I should have been writing. Double doh!

Am I ever going to get this right?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Imperfect is my middle name 9

You are so busy trying to make everything perfect in your life right now that you're forgetting how satisfying and beautiful imperfections can be! Today you need to challenge yourself to step back and take a break from your attention to detail. Let your eyes focus on far away ideas instead of immediate minutia. Get a fresh perspective. Right now you don't have to prove anything, so relax and remind yourself that being less than impeccable is also called being human.

I'm pretty sure I've got the "less than impeccable" thing down. But I had to have a conversation with Daughter this evening about the very same thing. She has been working so hard on her new skating team but was pulled aside by the coach tonight who told her she can't believe how well Daughter is blending in but her moves aren't quite up to the standards for judging and she's going to have to start pulling her out at practice (so they can practice the routine with skaters that can be judged). Daughter has worked SO hard and come SO far and all the work will pay off for her eventually, but I know how hard that was for her to hear. And I had to be positive and give her a pep talk when all I really wanted to do was call the coach and yell at her for taking the wind out of my daughter's sails!

But it's a lesson for both of us. One I keep learning, and one I hope she learns a lot faster than I am. You won't always get immediate gratification; in fact, sometimes gratification is a long time coming. And imperfections are beautiful - that is the only reason I've had a career.

Thanks for the reminder and the fresh perspective, Universe. But you didn't have to break my son's arm for me to get the imperfection message.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Next thing you know I'll be home schooling 6

Travel far beyond the normal avenues and let a whim take you to exciting new places. A permanent change could be in the making due to your experimentation and sincerity.

It was a whim kind of day - but who knows if it will really lead to anything. I went to an audition this morning for a character voice over - the type of spot I usually don't get called for. I'm not one of those people who have a million different voices in their head ... wait a minute, I DO have a million different voices in my head but they stay there and they are all yelling at me. They don't come out of my mouth in a million different forms to help me make money.

While I was there I asked about the commercial I was called back for on Wednesday, being sure to mention that I dragged my kid there with a broken arm. The agent said I didn't get the part, and they are still looking for teen girls, and as Daughter has been harassing me about not letting her audition I told the agent I would be back in the afternoon with Daughter.

She had a sleepover planned at the home of a BFF so I brought them both and BFF got to sit in and watch the audition. I don't think Daughter got the part either, but the agent asked if she could call her again. I refuse to believe that my entire career has been leading to this: showbiz mom. Yet the agent also asked if Son was available (as he stood there with an arm in one sling and about the wiggliest tooth you can imagine still being attached to his gums). So here I am. And I guess my future involves driving my children from audition to audition with makeup and scripts and clothing changes in the car.

Seriously, I thought this was still all about me.

Yes, I'm distracted 3

Distractions abound that may lure you away from achieving today's goals. Stick to your guns and make sure that you finish the job. This isn't a good time to begin a new project.

Distractions like a KID WITH A BROKEN ARM? Where was that warning yesterday? How about "Don't try to micromanage your day with a schedule that will fall apart if even a MINUTE is out of place unless you want something bad to happen." THAT would have been helpful. Because last night I rushed home from 30 minutes away with a crying daughter in tow to get to the hospital and find out that my son - who I had dragged to a talent agency waiting room and my husband's office - had a broken humerus bone.

Is Mom Guilt the most powerful force on earth? I swear it's stronger than kryptonite. Today I ordered a Domino's thin crust pizza for lunch because that's what Son has been asking for for the last 3 weeks. I also let him play video games all day, because it was the only thing he could do. And because I felt incredibly guilty.

So, no new projects today. Unless you count trying how to figure out how to dress a small boy who can't move one arm.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How about 'practically no action' instead? 5

Taking practical action will ensure your foundation is solid and firmly laid. Eliminating physical clutter will have a cleansing effect on your heart and mind.

Oops. I thought about doing both of these things today but never quite got there. I started out strong, took a walk while listening to "power thoughts." Yes, it is as pathetic as it sounds. I had no real direction until my mom called and asked if I'd update her website. So I tried to be productive but my server wasn't cooperating and oh my God I am totally making excuses for being a slacker all day.

If I'm practical and productive tomorrow will it still count? I probably could get up and do something right now but, you know, House is on and Wilson is back and the new Entertainment Weekly arrived in the mail today and ....

I'm really not helping myself, am I?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Permission slip to be a bitch

You have been holding back long enough. It's time that others realize who you are and what's important to you. Don't think about what's good for anyone else. Don't even ask for advice now, for the answer will most likely be of no help. Pushing your own agenda forward will not only get you closer to your goals, but will also make everyone aware of your abilities.

This is so freakin powerful! I only wish I had an agenda to push. I mean, there are things I want to accomplish and I have started working on them but after reading this even I am afraid of messing with me!

I turned in a magazine article this morning and for the first time did not neurotically ask six different people to read it and give me their opinions first. That might not sound like much, but for me it's pretty big. I'm rarely able to take a step without checking with someone first to make sure it's OK. I don't why I'm that way, but I'm tired of it. So I turned in the article this morning and not only did the world NOT end and the editor did NOT hate it but she wrote back right away and said it was good.


Be aware of my abilities everybody. Be very aware.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Are incense stores open on Sunday evening? 2

Burn ocean incense to cleanse your aura and the atmosphere during an important conversation this evening.

IF I had had an important conversation this evening - and believe me I didn't, the most important conversation after 5 pm being me asking why Son was up past his bedtime playing Rock Band when I got home from skating carpool - I would not have had the necessary ocean incense on hand to cleanse my aura and the atmosphere.

Even if I owned ANY kind of incense (I don't) I can't imagine how the conversation would have gone down.

VIP: We need to discuss something important.

Me: Can you hang on a minute? I need to light some incense to cleanse the atmosphere before we get started.

I can understand the general "light incense" direction I get in a horoscope every once in a while but why the specific scent? And why ocean? And what does ocean incense smell like?

Once again I am reminded of a Seinfeld episode: I don't know the name of it but Kramer tries to create a cologne that recreates the scent of the ocean. I think Calvin Klein ends up creating "The Beach" and Kramer poses in his underwear. Yup, that's pretty much the plot as I recall it. Creating something with the scent of the ocean was pretty ludicrous then and seems equally ludicrous now.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Spiderman rules! 8

Just when you think your influence is minimal, you see how powerful you really are. There's irrefutable evidence today. Remember that with great power comes great responsibility.

I would make a lousy detective because I totally missed today's evidence that I am powerful. Unless you were a germ in one of my bathrooms; then you stood no chance against my powerful disinfecting, scrubbing, and rinsing skills.

I love that my horoscope is quoting Spiderman, though. Husband is a huge fan of Spiderman; we have moved his extensive comic book collection twice now and I think he either plans to use it to fund our retirement or be buried with it. He successfully initiated Son into Spiderman worship at a very young age and "with great power comes great responsibility" is practically our family motto.

"Power" translates to luck, opportunities, and talents as well. If you are endowed at all in our house it is your responsibility to use that wisely. You are obligated not to take good fortune for granted. And I get it now...I may not have influenced anyone or anything in the fundamental sense of the word today, but I have the potential for influence and that is enough.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

How do you re-learn how to daydream? 4

When was the last time you had an honest-to-goodness daydream? You know, the kind you used to have in school that were so engrossing and distracting that you didn't hear it when the teacher called on you? If the answer is anything other than 'yesterday,' you need to pick a fantasy today and go for it! You'll have the down time to do it, whether it's during gnarly traffic, at a lengthy meeting or right before bed time. You've got to exercise your creativity and have fun!

How do you manufacture a daydream? I feel like I spend ALL my time daydreaming so I have no idea how to pick just one to concentrate on tonight. And it's not like I had a lot of downtime ... on the commute to skating I was drilling Son on spelling words and pretty much spent the day multi-tasking. I DID have some time while Husband and Son were at Cub Scouts but - for some inexplicable reason - I spent the entire time reading about Sarah Palin in the latest Newsweek. Obviously I have lost my ability to daydream. I'm actually just too plain exhausted. Woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't fall back asleep so I got up and did some writing. Perhaps I need to daydream about the world's most comfortable bed and no alarm clock tomorrow morning.

re: Sarah Palin. Does anyone else feel like McCain chose her to make us all feel like we're living in the Cat fight episode of Seinfeld? It's like he's doing everything he can to make the girls start fighting.

And I never did figure out who yesterday's Resentful Receiver was. Come on, people, speak up!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Giving Up Giving In 6

Giving more than you take will eventually create resentment with a friend or lover, so practice more balance and awareness.

Let me get this straight, someone is going to resent me for GIVING more than I take? Unless I'm "giving" them a hard time I don't even see how this is possible. Maybe I'm "giving" someone my opinion and they don't want it. THAT is totally possible. I kind of operate under the idea that it's-not-really-an-opinion-if-I-keep-it-to-myself.

I'm dying to know who this is: and what I've been giving away that people don't want. I don't think a horoscope has ever made me so curious.

Whoever you are, speak up! I promise to stop giving you S***.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dream weaver 9

Pluto will turn direct and kick off a new six-month cycle, which will inspire you to recharge and revise some dreams that have been forgotten or on hold.

Interesting. Got an email from a supportive synchro dad/producer who was checking on my documentary progress. There has been no progress; I've pretty much given up since the season started and I realized it wasn't going to happen. But I'd saved all his old emails as they had tons of advice and I read through them again and started looking around again today for someone to partner up with or work with or just plain hand me a big fat check.

I'm noticing, though, that I am not promised that these retreaded dreams will work out, just that I'll be working on them for the next 6 months. I'm just going to go on ahead and act like there'll be money coming in from that.

And now that I think about it, wasn't Pluto demoted from Planet to Spaceball (or something like that) a few years ago? Am I really basing my hopes and dreams on a downgraded space rock?

Why, yes. I believe I am.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Help! I Need Somebody 7

You have friends in high places who are just itching to reach down and give you a hand up the ladder -- whether it be corporate connections, a great stock tip or just some 'been there, done that' advice that could really put you over the hump. So the million dollar question is: How come you're not letting them help you? This pride thing has gotten out of hand. It's one thing to not want to appear needy in front of people you admire, but it's quite another to sacrifice your progress for your ego.

Ouch! I'll admit to the pride thing, but who am I dissing that wants to help me? It must be someone I'm not even aware of, but...I am pretty "I am NOT needy."

I really think I'm at the point where I'd let ANYONE help me; but I know myself ... and I probably would sacrifice progress for ego. Dammit. I HATE that.

So, here I am, open to anything...and anyone. I don't know who is supposed to give me a hand but whoever you are I am grateful and needy and whatever else you need me to be.

Though, I gotta say, I hate to read something like this at the end of a really great day. I had fun. I got to shop with a girlfriend who is styling a photo shoot. I met Joe Faris's wife (Project Runway) at the skating rink. I got my son to try new foods. I had a FABULOUS day!

Your tarot card for this week is the Emperor, which is encouraging you to review the progress you're making and give thanks to Spirit for the new abundance coming your way.

OK, maybe I have a little more time. Maybe the "new abundance coming my way" is the help that I've been refusing. So from now one, I refuse to refuse.

How's that?

Saturday, September 6, 2008

No show, tickets will not be refunded 0

An exciting encounter with someone you admire shows you a favorable direction to take your journey. Act immediately to get this show on the road.

"Journey" has to be the most overused word of the last 10 years. For some reason I blame Oprah, but the cause could be the incredibly uncreative writers of "reality" shows because everyone who gets booted off or rejected or whatever takes their last 60 seconds of TV time to talk about how the "journey" they took on the show has changed their lives.


For the record, I am NOT on a journey. I did not have an exciting encounter today, I was not led in any favorable direction, and I'm pretty sure my show is not on the road.

I was hoping for the exciting encounter all day though - who wouldn't? And I would have acted immediately; I had nothing else to do today. I was primed and ready for immediate action. Though perhaps I should have packed.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

What IS Jupiter's plan for me?

Re: of an email from Tarot.com.

What is Jupiter's promise to you?

I had no idea that Jupiter had promised me anything. I was kind of excited - is it chocolate? Alas, no. According to the email (which is trying to sell me some kind of Jupiter-centric astrological report):

The brilliant Sun is forming a harmonious angle to Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system. The Sun represents your core self while Jupiter is the planet of expansion and abundance. It's time to expand your vision of who you are and what you're capable of ... to explore and understand your own powers of expansion.

If there's anything I DO understand it's my own "powers of expansion." If I even sniff a Cinnabon I gain five pounds. I don't really need this power explained to me, unless Jupiter has the answer as to how I can actually eat the Cinnabon without the inescapable expansion.

The email also says:

Understanding Jupiter in your unique birth chart is the key to realizing your potential for growth and fulfillment.

Weeeeeeell, what if Jupiter is not in a good spot in my birth chart? What if Jupiter is at the position that represents Minimal Growth and Fulfillment? Do I really want to know this? Do I really want to spend $17.95, hoping the entire time that Jupiter has a plan for me to eventually become President (or at least Governor of Alaska) only to find out that I've already peaked? That my Growth and Fulfillment are over?

No thanks. I'd rather spend the money on half a manicure.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You always tease tease tease 0

The money you'll need for an unexpected expense will just happen to be in your hands at the exact moment you need it, thanks to the benevolent Libra Moon.

Oh Libra Moon, why are you being so stingy with me? What did I ever do to you? Did you give the rest of the Pisces the money they needed and ran out before you got to me? "Oh, Stacey won't mind. I'll just send her an incredibly low-paying writing gig and that should keep her happy."

Listen, Moon, I'm already a martyr in my house, I don't need to be the martyr for an entire astrological sign as well. Let someone else do it for a while.

And if the check just got held up in the mail, I apologize for over-reacting.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Stop telling me I'm not good enough! 8

The transitions you've been going through lately have all been very exciting, but you need to be careful not to assume that big changes equal big improvements! A new routine becomes an old routine eventually, so unless you are more conscious of the new things and people in your life, this transformation will be lost on you.

So now I'm not pay enough attention? It's not enough to do the work anymore, and do it well? I don't even know what this MEANS! I don't know who the new things or new people are, but I do know that I am TRYING to pay attention and figure out what I'm supposed to be doing and would seriously appreciate a frickin' break.

Why do I keep feeling like one step forward = two steps back?

I'm trying to calm down. I'm trying to remember that my thoughts create my reality and that if I think I'm in a rut, I will be in a rut. Rut, routine ... whatever.

Maybe I'm feeling desperate because I haven't really slept and my back isn't any better and I'm afraid I'm going to end up having to have surgery that I don't want to have. Or that nothing will ever work out and I'll never get a job.

But you know what? That's ridiculous. I'm not sure if I believe in "transformation" but I do believe that I've been working hard and hard work pays off.
