While you are not happy about your opponents' problems, you can still see the opportunity in the situation.
Don't I sound devious today? I wonder who my "opponent" is, or will be, and what kind of opportunity it is.
Outside blocks and unexpected delays will actually work in your favor if you allow the Universe free reign with your schedule today.
Have at it, Universe. Here's the reins; just warn me when you're going to break out into a run.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Devious and Out of Control
Thursday, October 14, 2010
What Can I Dream For You Today? 4
A powerful imagination is your gift. You'll help someone by dreaming for them the dreams they can't see.
When you least expect it, someone from the past could return and ask to become a part of your life again.
Again, Excellent! Maybe. Oh wait, um, maybe scary.
Well, Horoscope, you were off by a week but I did get a letter from someone I went to Jr. High with who wants to be pen pals because he's now in prison. That'll do.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Put This On And Wait Here 2
Those you deal with now may not "get" you, but they honor you with respect and pay what you're due. It's not so bad, really. Later, you'll get the full star treatment.
OK, but how much is the Full Star Treatment going to cost? Does it include a pedicure? And how much later? I can't sit around in this robe and paper slippers forever.
A day like any other day with NO full star treatment. Though maybe "later" means 2015. Nice.