You should stay away from business deals and financial involvements with others today, Pisces. There is not only a sense of menace in the air, but it's being picked up by others and creating kind of a tense atmosphere. The good news is that the only way you'll have a problem today is if you're hiding something. But if someone around you is hiding something, you could easily get drawn into their drama if you're not careful. Don't go out of your way to attract attention. You may get it and be sorry you did.
Noted. But who's doing business on a Saturday? I was going to take my daughter and friend shopping, does this mean I should buy something?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Bad business deals
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Satisfaction is imminent 7
You have no need to worry if your desires are not being fulfilled in this moment, for at least your wishes are being heard and progress toward satisfaction is imminent. Instead of waiting for a more perfect day, be open to the pleasures that find you in the here and now.
OK, OK, OK. I know patience is not one of my strengths, especially when I really want something and feel it is oh so close. So I'll relax and enjoy the day, Horoscope, but if this turns out to be a big tease and my satisfaction is NOT imminent then someone is getting a talking to!
Monday, February 15, 2010
My imagination is running in the wrong direction 2
This is another powerful day for you, especially if you can let your imagination lead the way. But fueling your life with your dreams is not an excuse to be completely unrealistic. It's almost as if you must maintain a double life now; you have your head up in the clouds, but also need to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.
Oh, Horoscope, how you taunt me. My imagination has been leading the way....but in the WRONG direction. Today all I've been able to imagine is the WRONG people in the job that I want. And by the wrong people I mean anyone but me. Believe me, I am TOTALLY living a double life right now. One side of me is acting all cool "I don't care what happens" and the other part of me is FREAKING OUT that things might not turn out like they should. Because they SHOULD turn out exactly like I want, dammit. AM I being completely unrealistic? I don't want to think I am. I think I'm being VERY realistic. BUT OMG I am EXHAUSTED from being sick and wondering and worrying and CAN I PLEASE JUST GET A LITTLE GOOD NEWS?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Thanks for your consideration 10
You are on the radar for higher-ups. Someone is considering you for a special job.
Really? Because there IS a special job that I WANT to be considered for so just let me know what you need me to do. Oh, and when will I know if I actually get the special job because patience is not one of my strong suits and I'd like to start making plans and taking care of all the things that will need to be rearranged.
Here's a few highlights from my Tarot card for today:
Contracts in the creative arts. Possibilities to heal old wounds. New energies surging around you. Time to put creative thoughts into action. Good time for dreams and goals that have been put off to begin. Good time to begin work on new plan. All pieces are in place. First step to new future is at hand.
ALL those things are good and totally relate to the special job I want! I feel so teased and taunted because while the UNIVERSE is sending me all kinds of messages my PHONE is not ringing AT ALL!