Sunday, March 22, 2009

Who's watching? 9

You have pulled off many endeavors without having a clue. Someone who studies your moves might be able to illuminate things about the way you operate that even you didn't know.

OK, I will totally admit to being to pull off stuff without a clue. Sometimes it IS quite amazing, the stuff I have gotten away with.

But is there really a Mystery Person who has been studying my moves? Or is this like some big tease? Obviously someone who has been studying my moves should be able to illuminate me about the way that I operate, but how would I find This Person? I don't even know where to begin and, honestly, my first reaction to This Person would probably be suspicion. I just don't think I'm that interesting. Certainly not interesting enough for someone to be making a study of my "moves." And someone who's been studying my moves sounds vaguely Stalkerish.

This is quite the conundrum. I'd love to meet this mysterious person who can explain me to myself, yet he or she would probably creep me out.

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