Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The last horoscope of 2008

Saturn will turn retrograde and begin to transform obstacles into gifts over the next two months. Your plans to ring in the new year could be altered at the last minute, so wear blue to help you weather the disappointment and find an even better way to celebrate.

With the power being mostly out for the last four days (I guess I would consider that an obstacle) we really have not had time to make NY plans. Though now that I think about it, the plans that we did make were altered. Our good friends loaned us a generator to get us through this power outage - delivering it and hooking up the furnace then coming to pick it up once the power came back on last night. We insisted on taking them to dinner tonight, but he called this morning and asked for a rain check after finding out he had to work all day. I pulled steaks out of the freezer and found the Confetti Blasters that Son has been requesting and we had a great dinner with confetti in our food and chocolate cake and Rock Band for dessert. Husband has a cold and is going to bed, but Son and Daughter are insisting on remaining awake until midnight. Anyway, I didn't need to wear blue (and I'm wearing charcoal and black) to find a better way to celebrate. This is the best way I can imagine (except for Husband's cold, of course).

I am counting on my obstacles being turned into gifts over the next two months, and you can bet I will be keeping watch. I want to finish my book, and get started on the next one, and get a job to make money in the meantime. Do your work, Saturn. I'm counting on you.

Hard to believe this blog is a year old. As I look back I see that sometimes it was right when I didn't give it credit; a lttle spooky. But as no one is reading, who will know?

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