A loved one will bring good news your way so you can all celebrate together under the generous Taurus Moon. (Kajama.com)
Yoohoo........Loved One. I'm waiting here with a bottle of champagne and some yummy yummy cupcakes for the good news so we can all celebrate! It's getting late, though, and if you take too long those cupcakes will just lie there like lumps in our stomachs when we go to bed tonight and, well, tomorrow IS a workday so if we're going to have champagne we probably won't want to drink too late.
Not coming? Fine.
All I really got from my loved ones today was a sick kid and a bedroom that smells like toothpaste and fart.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
They're not perfect, but they're mine 1
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Orange is the new green 2
Cash shortages could present a problem under today's Sagittarius Moon, but things will balance out by the weekend, so sit tight. Eat more orange foods to fuel your imagination so you can find a new outlet for your creativity. (Kajama.com)
Interesting. Today is the first day in nearly a year when I haven't felt the pressure of a cash shortage. Maybe because I didn't go anywhere. Anyway, glad to hear it will be balanced out by the weekend. I can always use cash. Though.....if I don't have a problem today will the "balancing out" result in me ending up low on cash? That would be bad. Really bad. Why do I think like this? I have just freaked myself out.
But I DID eat orange foods today - clementines AND Cheetos.
Yeah, I know.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Higher purpose = making lots of $$$$$
The Sun's entry into Aquarius will inspire you to make a list of potential career opportunities. Ponder the value in them all, especially how well they could fulfill your need for a sense of higher purpose in your work.
Oh, Sun, I have been making this list for a while now. You're a little behind. The only real "opportunity" -- well, I got a call for an audition tomorrow...playing an unemployed woman who is learning how to collect benefits.
And just saw on TV the commercial that I got called back for and STILL think I could have played the hell out of the mom-dressed-as-bird.
Friday, January 16, 2009
I'm prepared 8
You may find it difficult to sleep tonight, so keep a pen and pad handy to journal your troubles away before bedtime.
I never sleep when Husband is out of town; he and Son are in FL with in-laws. I'm sure 60 degrees feels sweltering compared to -4, not that I'm bitter. I mean, I get to go to Colorado in 2 weeks with the skating team. Woohoo (and that is not the LEAST bit sarcastic).
So here I am, journaling my troubles away before bedtime. What are my troubles? Nothing a big fat check wouldn't solve. Just me and the rest of the country, I guess.
Though I could have solved those problems easily tonight. Daughter and I were working the Whalers game and a man ordered a hot dog. When I asked him if he wanted anything else he said "Do you come with that?" I said "I'm pretty high-maintenance." He said "I can afford it."
So I guess I'm not that desperate for a big fat check after all.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Keep waiting 0
There could be a passionate admirer in the wings.
Um, ok, Passionate Admirer, could you please remain in the wings until I get over this cold because A) I'm kind of gross and B) I just don't have the energy.
Thanks. You're a doll.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Follow the leader 7
Lead by example. Get straight to the heart of the matter and show those around you how it's done, without fanfare. Your leadership could spark a wave of creativity that leads to bigger and better things.
I don't feel very leadershipy today; hope I was a good example. I worked when I didn't feel like it and asked for the truth when I wasn't sure I really wanted to hear it.
Just waiting for the wave of creativity to come crashing to the shore. I deserve it.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Productivity is in the eye of the beholder 8
Don't worry if you can't get anything productive done - there will be plenty of time for that tomorrow. (Kajama.com)
Oh thank God! I got NOTHIN productive done today except pick up my back pain meds. VERY productive. And I did some cleaning and laundry this morning. And I wrote a blog entry.
Boy, I guess I was productive after all. I wish I'd been more productive though. But it looks like that's coming tomorrow. Guess I should rest up.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Looking for something big 8
What you look for will appear. You can use this luck to find your keys or your cellphone. But why not think even bigger? (Detroit Free Press)
OK, I DID think bigger! I thought about how to find work, and income. Can't really say that I found anything....until tonight. Husband and I were catching up at dinner and I mentioned that I have an audition tomorrow. I usually don't even bother to mention auditions, I get cast in only a small percentage and Husband is a realist who only likes to discuss things that are actually happening. But we're being all nice to each other so he asks who I'm auditioning for and when I tell him he says "I know who does their advertising!" and next think I know he's on the phone and now the client is totally prepped that I'm coming out to audition tomorrow.
That still doesn't mean that I'll get it. But somehow I think I will.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
The first horoscope of 2009 8
You see the gulf between your ideal dreams and your current situation. There are two paths before you and two attitudes for you to choose from today. Consider your options carefully; as you pick your response to what's happening now, you're also choosing your future.
OK, then. I pick the best option, the right option, the positive option. Yes, I'm frustrated and yes, I'm feeling like the pickings are slim and I am (somewhat) unemployable but I know that I'm not. I know there's something out there; I know I can finish my book and write more. I know....I know something will happen.
Maybe not today. Maybe not even when I want - or need. But something will happen. So I choose to path that takes me from my Current Situation to my Ideal Dream.