Don't leave out the details when you’re proposing one of your brilliant ideas to others, as the research you've done is really impressive. An unexpected phone call will bring more questions than answers, and will present you with a mystery to unravel under the Aries Moon.
You've been waiting long enough and it's time for others to learn who you are and what's important to you. Pushing your own agenda forward will not only get you closer to your goals, but will also make everyone more aware of your abilities.
Don't I just sound feisty today? I'm looking forward to the mystery phone call and am hoping it helps me come up with this brilliant idea I supposedly have because, really, I've got nothin'.
No brilliant ideas, mystery phone calls or pushing my agenda forward; just a puking kid and errands.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I'm Brilliant And Have An Agenda....I Guess 1
Friday, August 20, 2010
Making A List
A productive morning can be followed by a restful afternoon if you promise yourself you’ll get priorities out of the way first. Spend a quiet evening in meditation and solitude.
Make a list of what's important to you. Whether you write it down on paper or keep it in mind doesn't matter. What does matter is that you're able to prioritize both tasks and people with an eye toward the future. Don't let anything stand between you and what you want.
The day is filled with deals coming together. Tonight calls for a long pause to reflect on the value of silence.
Priorities, consider yourselves out of the way!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I Like This - "Be Shallow So You Don't Offend Someone"
Today’s Capricorn Moon will allow you to see things from a true perspective. What you share with others could be repeated, so don't go into detail. Money shortages will be temporary; adjust your budget and carry jade or malachite to attract more abundance. Stay away from deep discussions this evening, and keep all communications light-hearted and fun to avoid a misunderstanding or hurt feelings.
Unfortunately, you could become discouraged today if your interactions with others don't live up to your high ideals. Although you wish you didn't have to settle for less, relaxing your expectations just a little can help everything to flow better now.
Slipping on my jade ring and zipping up my mouth.
Spent the day working so I didn't really have the opportunity to interact and/or be offensive. Probably a good thing; good grief I've been cranky lately.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A Cheerful, Loving, Gracious, Benevolent Creative Leader
You should seek out information from professionals to discover new ways to address a cyclic problem under the enlightening Sagittarius Moon. A message from a loved one will bring affirming news that allows you to release a concern you’ve carried about their well-being. Love will inspire all your decisions today, especially if you wear green to speak from the heart.
This is your day to give. You will be more cheerful, more loving, more gracious and good than your most benevolent moment thus far.
Seize the day by being the creative leader that others want to follow.
What is my cyclic problem? Is it a problem with cycling? And I'm bummed because I wore my green shirt yesterday so how am I supposed to speak from the heart without it today? Guess I'll just have to concentrate on being benevolent and a creative leader.
Pretty sure I was not a creative leader, OR very cheerful, loving, gracious or good. I may have been a little less cranky then yesterday. Baby steps.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Meditate and the Money Will Come 0
If you try to stick to a schedule today, you’ll meet with blocks at every turn. Meditation builds a stronger connection to the Universe, so devote more time to spiritual practices today. Watch the mail for a letter with money in it whether you're expecting one or not. Your tarot card, the Lovers, will attract wonderful new people into your world who will support and encourage your dreams.
Oh, Horoscope, you NEVER deliver money when you say you will. Though I notice you are not "promising" - just telling me to watch for it. Perhaps the wonderful new people will show up in the mail instead. Wouldn't that be a trick?!
NO money, NO supportive new friends. Horoscope, promises like this are what you get you a bad rep.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Keep your eyes open for a job that will teach the skills you need in your dream job.
You may feel as if someone is trying to prevent you from being successful. What starts as a passing thought can grow into an obsession as you attempt to untangle all the emotions and objectives that are involved. It won't be easy now to overcome the current obstacles, unless you can be patient and persistent. This is especially difficult because the return of restless Uranus to your sign today amps up your nervous system until next March.
Wait a minute, my nervous system is going to be amped up until March?!? WTF? I think I'll work on patient and persistent and keep my eyes open for dream job skills, thankyouverymuch.
Do my dream job skills REALLY involve cleaning, Horoscope? Really? Or is it going to take until March to sell my house? Whatever. I'm over it already. And cranky. Did I mention cranky?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Drawn to the Irresistible 3
The sensible thing is not to rush into love. However, this might not be possible now, as life whisks you nearer to a person or endeavor that is irresistible.
Make sure you mark and file things with extra care to avoid misplacing important objects or documents today.
It's exhausting, sure, and you've just about had it. But if you can keep your eye on the ball for a few more weeks, you'll have everything you were after.
Didn't rush into anything and didn't find anyone or anything irresistible. Though I did attend a writer's talk and one of the speakers was a TV writer and I do find the idea of writing for TV - with a group of funny writers - irresistible, even though I know I'd probably feel insecure and self-conscious the entire time. Still......and I do have an idea.....
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Defender 1
You may have to defend your reputation, ethics, or intentions under the unpredictable Gemini Moon. Document your work to protect yourself from accusations and prove your integrity and dedication. Your rebellious side could emerge when someone tries to block your movements, but you must consider what's really important or you'll cut off your nose to spite your face.
I had to do my defending yesterday and if there's more in store for today I'm not interested.
Only thing I had to defend myself against was insomnia. Ugh.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Watching the Stacey Show 2
You'll be doing what you do best and your actions will radiate style. If you could only experience yourself objectively, you would be most impressed. You're a class act.
You may feel somewhat clumsy or accident-prone, so you should avoid unnecessary physical activity if possible. Spend some time in nature, soaking up the rays of the Leo Sun.
I'm going to be stylishly clumsy today? Impressively accident-prone? Excellent.
I spent time in the car, driving the kids and I to Indianapolis. I like to think I did it with style.