Thursday, August 12, 2010

Drawn to the Irresistible 3

The sensible thing is not to rush into love. However, this might not be possible now, as life whisks you nearer to a person or endeavor that is irresistible.

Make sure you mark and file things with extra care to avoid misplacing important objects or documents today.

It's exhausting, sure, and you've just about had it. But if you can keep your eye on the ball for a few more weeks, you'll have everything you were after.

Didn't rush into anything and didn't find anyone or anything irresistible. Though I did attend a writer's talk and one of the speakers was a TV writer and I do find the idea of writing for TV - with a group of funny writers - irresistible, even though I know I'd probably feel insecure and self-conscious the entire time. Still......and I do have an idea.....

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