Stomach trouble of your own making could flare up and remind you to be more discerning about what you eat.
Oh my God, I have had a horrible stomach ache all day!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
11 out of 10!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Accuracy - Not Even Close
To stay on track with career success, carry agate or onyx stones as a reminder of your goals.
Great, I have no onyx or agate. Does that mean I'm going to forget my goals? Couldn't I just tie a string around my finger? And, really, who forgets their goals? Like I'll be walking down the street, la la la, Oh that's a pretty building, now what I was doing? Oh yeah, TRYING TO GET MY WRITING PUBLISHED!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Accuracy - I'll let you know
Pay attention to your dreams, for they'll reveal a great way to bring in extra cash
Here's to financially-lucrative dreams tonight!
(Monday 6:45 am - If I dreampt any way to make money, I don't remember it.)
Friday, February 22, 2008
Accuracy - a good strong 9
Reserve a little down time this evening to process your thoughts and recover from an emotionally challenging week.
This was an emotionally challenging week. Good news, I decided to leave the job that has been driving me crazy but bad news, I have to tell the coworkers that I feel bad about leaving. Good news, job interview this morning but bad news, I'm recovering from a fever blister from all the stress (if he noticed he was too polite to mention it. Have you seen the new Tide commercial - where the guy is in a job interview and the stain on his shirt keeps talking over him whenever he tries to talk? That's what I felt this fever blister was doing.) Good news, another agent is interested in my book but bad news, well ... asking someone else's opinion always has the risk of being bad news.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Accuracy - A possible 10
Working with someone else can make life more meaningful for you. Flying solo doesn't sound too attractive now, so seek out competent associates who will contribute to your cause. Remember, you don't have to know everything to succeed.
Well, well, well. Queried another agent today who wants to see a proposal. Could this be my competent associate?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Accuracy - 8
Smile, and prepare for a very enthusiastic yes from the person you've been working up the courage to ask a certain favor of.
Ok, so last week I was supposed to have coffee with the Rock Star Mommy but Alicia got called back for the middle school play (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Alicia plays a reporter) so we rescheduled for today. This morning I emailed her to confirm and her husband broke some ribs and punctured a lung in an icy fall this past weekend! I felt horribly guilty for asking any time from her with a punctured lung in the house.
So I emailed her my number in case she did have some time and the Very Cool Rock Star Mom called me this afternoon and couldn't have been cooler. She was the epitome of a Rock Star Mom! I didn't even have to ask the favor I wanted to ask (the name of her agent) she offered it right to me.
I have been meeting the COOLEST and most GENEROUS people lately!
Sidebar: I put some highlights in my hair to hide the gray and I am totally afraid to dry it because it looks like I have stripper hair.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Accuracy - negative 2
All the horoscopes I read today were vague and freaky, but I liked this one because it reminded of the strange dream that Alicia told me she had last night.

A new writer friend of mine came over and he had a monkey and Alicia got to play with the monkey. Then she and the monkey ended up cavorting on a beach together.
Not sure why this cracked me up, but I do wish I had a writer friend with a monkey -- imagine the possiblities!
Now, according to my clairvoyant friend Camille, we are everyone in our dreams. So Alicia is...her mother, a male writer, and a monkey.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Accuracy - 3, Vagueness - 8
Start a creative project as the Moon dances through Leo today and tomorrow. You can use the power of your tarot card, the Magician, to bring your talents to light now.
Started an essay. The looked up the Magician Tarot card. The reader might well interpet this card as telling the querent that they will be given a vision, an idea, a magical, mental image of whatever it is they most want: the solution to a problem, an ambitious career, a love life, a job.
Hmmmm, a job. Nice. Actually, all of the things look nice. But what the heck is a querent?
You are standing at the very edge of an opening and you will get to walk through this window of opportunity over the next few days. In the meantime, make the most of where you are by paying close attention to what's happening. Watching how others respond to you is one way, but don't forget to also tune into your own inner process. If it happens in your imagination, it can also happen in your real life.
I don't really feel like anything is going to happen soon, but am trying to picture what I want in my imagination in case it's right around the corner. Why take chances, right?
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Taking care

I just walked downstairs carrying my laptop, then realized that probably wasn't the smartest thing to do on a day when I've been warned to be to take care when operating electrical appliances. Made it to the couch safely; whew. It's 10:16 pm, and the only "spirit" guide I've contacted is a glass of wine. Not sure I feel wiser, but definitely feel more mellow.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
While others may want to go out for a romantic evening, you are more likely to share a dinner at home, away from external noise. You are quite sensitive now and would probably prefer seclusion with your Valentine instead of the buzz of a restaurant. Don't be shy; communicate your needs clearly so a mutual decision can take both of your feelings into consideration.
Valentine's Day was no different than any other day, though I did get flowers - beautiful roses - delivered yesterday and got to look at them all day today. Elliot took Beau to karate then picked up Alicia from skating and I got to stay home and write. When he got home he told me he had Monday off so we booked Sunday night at a waterpark in Sandusky. I don't really need romantic evenings when I have a Valentine nearly every day of the year (though I'll have to come back and read this on a day when he says or does something stupid, won't I?)
I do love that my horoscope acknowledges Valentine's Day. According to Astrological history horoscopes have been around for ever; but how long has Valentine's Day been around? Should I be suspicious, or should I be impressed that this practice is flexible enough to change with the times?
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Trust your instincts today by acting on a hunch. Instead of analyzing all the facts again and again, just jump in and do it. If it doesn't work out perfectly, retreat and try again later. This isn't about reaching your destination right away. It's about demonstrating your resolve to make a decision and then taking steps toward your goal.
Interesting. My resolve has been to find a less-frustrating job and there already is one I'm in line for, then a friend called today with another opportunity. I'm not sure I'm qualified, but I'm going to talk to them anyway...because it's taking steps towards my goal.
I've been working on an essay about escapes - and my escapes have always been through books. It's been a while, though, since I found a book that sucked me in and made me forget who I am and made me live in it ... but I started one yesterday and finished it today (that's what they do to me). It's The Learners by Chip Kidd. For two days I lived in an a small advertising agency in New Haven, CT. It was a wonderful vacation.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Remember to bring a pen

Perhaps they'll be waiting for me tomorrow when I reemerge into the world. Now, where are my sunglasses?
Thursday, February 7, 2008
No Money
Send a gift or note of thanks to someone who made a difference in your life to show your appreciation for their efforts. Wear green to attract a surprise gift of money or a lucky break under the karmic Aquarius Moon.
Ok, I went through my entire closet this morning - why don't I own more green clothes? It's my favorite color! Finally found a green shirt to wear but, alas, no money or lucky break. I did send a note to someone. I really hate it when horoscopes promise money and don't deliver. But what's my recourse? I guess I could stop believing but I'm sure I'd be easily replaced.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Vague Vague Vague
You don't have to live a double life just because your sign is symbolized by two fish. Your interests are so varied that others may have a hard time keeping up with you. No matter what you appear to be doing, your real focus now should be on your inner world as you explore uncharted areas of your imagination.
What exactly is this supposed to mean? When I read this I think it applies to anyone and everyone. My interests are incredibly varied .... I'm working in PR, writing a book, and had lunch with someone today to talk about an interactive play I'd like to produce. I think everyone is like me. But are there some incredibly focused people out there whose interests and ideas aren't all over the map? Please tell me!
Maybe I'm looking for confirmation that horoscopes might be a little bit accurate by looking for people who aren't scattered like I am. And am I the only one who thinks everyone else thinks like they do?
Sunday, February 3, 2008
New information
You'll learn new information that alters your perception of a loss or detour, and feel thankful for prayers that have gone unanswered over the past six months. Now that you realize the true nature of what has been developing behind the scenes, you'll be in a better position to make long-term choices.
I guess I did get some new information today. When I got home there was an email waiting from MetroParent that they'd like to use an essay I submitted. When I told Elliot he said "You should have been doing this all along!" Well, sure, but ..... there's no use trying to explain that you can't put your work out there until you are ready.
I don't know what long-term choices I am supposed to be making. I really don't feel capable of making any choices after spending 3 1/2 days wrangling figure skaters and their parents. Maybe my long-term choice is to stop saying yes when people ask me to take volunteer positions.