Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Trust your instincts today by acting on a hunch. Instead of analyzing all the facts again and again, just jump in and do it. If it doesn't work out perfectly, retreat and try again later. This isn't about reaching your destination right away. It's about demonstrating your resolve to make a decision and then taking steps toward your goal.

Interesting. My resolve has been to find a less-frustrating job and there already is one I'm in line for, then a friend called today with another opportunity. I'm not sure I'm qualified, but I'm going to talk to them anyway...because it's taking steps towards my goal.

I've been working on an essay about escapes - and my escapes have always been through books. It's been a while, though, since I found a book that sucked me in and made me forget who I am and made me live in it ... but I started one yesterday and finished it today (that's what they do to me). It's The Learners by Chip Kidd. For two days I lived in an a small advertising agency in New Haven, CT. It was a wonderful vacation.

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