Saturday, October 25, 2008

Everything old is new again - right? Please? 2

New ideas that come to you via the Internet or a friend could keep you up late, contemplating your options for the future.

So it's late (for me) and I've been online for a while and even heard from an old friend and still have NO ideas about my future. I mean, I have the same old ideas I've been having - write a couple books, sell a couple million books - but nothing newer than that.

There's no longer a sufficient reason for you to surrender your power and attempt to please everyone at the cost of your own happiness. Let others know how you feel, even if the consequences of your declaration may be temporarily challenging.

Hmmm. I thought I was being discouraged from the selling opportunity that presented itself then suddenly - without warning - it popped back up as something I "should" be doing. But I really don't want to. I want to write. And I'd like to let "others" know how I feel, but instead I am letting the calls go to voicemail because I am a wuss. Do I have to let others know how I feel? Can't I just pretend to sell stuff for a while then pretend it didn't work out?

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