Monday, October 13, 2008

Yes, mom, I'm doing my homework 7

Your tarot card for this week is the Emperor, which means you should honor your responsibilities and commitments instead of succumbing to the temptation to let things slide.


I'm trying to write and I did my frickin' exercises from the chiropractor but am not happy to hear that I am BREATHING wrong and apparently all these years of sucking in my gut to avoid looking 5 months pregnant has been messing with my back and contributed to this painful situation.

Seriously, how do you breathe incorrectly? All this time I thought that inhale-exhale pretty much covered it but apparently there's more involved than that. My ribcage was/is lifting too high and I'm breathing too shallow. Shallowly? Whatever, I'm just not doing it right. And if I'm not doing something right that my body should be doing naturally on its own I don't think that bodes too well for the things I'm actually trying to do.

So OF COURSE I'm tempted to just let things slide. They're already sliding on their own.

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