Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's Got To Be....Me 8

You'll be getting a lot of positive reinforcement today, in the form of beautiful words about how wonderful you are, how smart you are, how desirable you are. Naturally, this will leave you feeling pretty good about yourself! Build on that good feeling by taking a few more bold risks and challenges in your life -- you need to start believing that you can excel in the most demanding situations. After all, everyone else believes you can! It's perfectly fine to prove them right. (Washington Post)

Oh, hello, Horoscope from Yesterday, lookee here. You said my life would suck today because of the companions, wine, and song from last night and I would just like to tell you that it did NOT! I totally rocked my audition. No, I don't know if I got it or not, but who cares - I was fab!!

Now to the bold risks and challenges. Hmmm... let's see. I made a magic wand for Daughter's skating duet. I reached out to some media about the skating team exhibition and fundraiser. I attended a Figure Skating Club Board Meeting. I...what the hell? There was nothing bold, risky, or challenging about my day after the audition. What a disappointment. Once again I spent my day working on stuff for my kids.

Maybe I'll just feel good about myself today and take some risks tomorrow. That sounds like a plan.

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