Sunday, November 2, 2008

The mysterious allure of a good night's rest 7

You'll be drawn to the mysterious and metaphysical as the Sun and Mercury travel through Scorpio. You'll also contemplate new dreams or a favorite fantasy under the optimistic Aries Moon.

If my bed is mysterious and metaphysical then this 'scope is dead on. I still have trouble sleeping because of back issues. I'm feeling better during the day but sleeping gets painful, especially when I move at all so I end up waking up at least 10 times a night and, lately, getting up WAY earlier than I would like. Thank God for Ambien because there are some nights that my body just knows that it will start hurting an hour after I lay down and I won't even be able to get to sleep. I kept trying to nap today but it didn't really take. And with the time change, I am at a severe sleep deficit.

I am contemplating my favorite fantasy that involves no back pain and everyone else in my family putting their own frickin' dishes in the dishwasher. Is that really too much to ask?

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