Thursday, January 17, 2008

Nothing matches

I think I read three different horoscopes today and not one of them was even close. I was told not to be stubborn - and I wasn't given the opportunity to stick to my guns. I was told that new information is at my fingertips and that I would find it on the internet. Now, I regularly find things on the internet. I find TONS of things on the internet. I find things on the internet for other people. Today .... nothing. I was told to light rose incense before bed to get a good night's sleep. I would love to do this...last night I didn't sleep at all. But who keeps rose incense lying around for the days the planets line up and you need it?
I need a list of things I'm going to need for the next month for how my planets line up: stones, scents, colors, materials. Just tell me now so I can go shopping.

1 comment:

Chip Duford said...

I'm sure you can find out new and interesting information about where to find incense and the like ... on the internet.