Friday, July 9, 2010

Cranky for a Reason 1

You probably aren't as easygoing as you were yesterday because quicksilver Mercury trines electric Uranus, shocking your nervous system with outlandish thoughts. Some of your current ideas may be truly brilliant but they cannot take form unless you choose to nurture them. Get your required tasks out of the way so you have sufficient time to develop your unconventional inspirations.

You'll be part of a student body. The difference between you and the others in this group is that you will take what you learn to the next level.

I was not part of a student body today, nor did I feel particularly unconventional or brilliant. The only thing I did today was change my hairstyle, and it sounded a lot more radical than it actually looks.

Horoscope, why are you so off lately? Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? Am I not behaving like a proper Pisces?

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