Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why are the Sun and the Moon and the Planets and Pink Shirts Trying to Slow Me Down? 2

Some of the char­acters around you will not get along with one another, but they will get along with you.

The illuminating Sun in your 5th House of Self-Expression is being deceived by your key planet Neptune today which muddies the waters of your mind. It's challenging for you because you want to take control of a situation that may be just out of your reach. Your overconfidence may cause you to jump to a conclusion and build a strategy on an incorrect assumption. It's helpful if you move slowly now and leave the bigger decisions for another day.

The Scorpio Moon will cast a light on some household tasks you need to handle as well as those areas where you've been lax about taking care of yourself. Wear red to boost your staying power so you can accomplish everything on your list for the day.

Wow, the Sun and Moon are really on my ass today. And Neptune isn't being very nice either. Are these the "characters" around me that aren't getting along with each other? And thanks, Scorpio Moon, but you're a little late. I'm already aware of the household tasks I need to accomplish today. Got a list; I'm good.

Soooo, I put on a red shirt today but when I got to the restaurant to meet my friends for lunch one of them complimented me on my pretty "pink" shirt and I said "No, it's red, my horoscope told me to wear red" and my other friend said "Um, the wall is red, your shirt is pink. But it's pretty" so I spent the day wearing pink instead of red and I totally think that is the reason that I did not accomplish everything on my list today.

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