Monday, March 31, 2008

Accuracy - What the ???????

You have entered a phase where your non-rational thoughts and feelings can float around in your dreams, detached from the specifics of what they mean. Instead of attempting to stuff them back into the rows and columns of linear logic, give them permission to wander through the forgotten corners of your mind.

Oh for Pete's sake.

As if I'm not freaky enough normally, now I'm being given permission by the UNIVERSE to be even freakier!

And isn't the punctuation in that first sentence wrong? Why do you need that comma after the word dreams? I guess it's not totally wrong, but I can't get OVER IT. I'm obsessing about punctuation when I should be giving my dreams permission to wander.

And I'm not sure I want to visit the forgotten corners of my mind. They are forgotten for a reason. I'm sure there's a drunken sorority party that I never want to see again, and a few old boyfriends too. And some clothes from the '80's. Oh, and some really bad hairstyles.

Great, now I'm depressed.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Yes, yes, I know I'm not productive and not confident

You are looking at new ways to live a more productive life, yet lack of confidence could get in the way of trying out your plan. Overcome your own resistance and external blockages will dissipate.

This is not news: I've been the only one getting in my way for years.

So I overcame my lack of confidence today and have an email being sent to an editor with a story pitch first thing in the morning (set up an automatic email so I can't chicken out). The pitch is not fabulous; it's not nearly as good as my book query letter, but I had to get it out. I've been sitting on the idea for over a month.

Just when I think I'm not productive, here's my list of things to do this week:

Submit script for video
Submit story pitch
Visit Shrink
Find book for Book Club
Attend end-of-season synchro party
Volunteer at Son's school
Book Club
Meet with internet radio person
Go to physical therapy
Attend synchro Executive Committee meeting
Get an MRI
Somehow fit writing, cleaning, cooking, mothering, and wifing in between all these assignments

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Accuracy/Activity Level - both at 10

Although withdrawing might sound like a great idea, there's so much going on that you probably won't be able to avoid it. You may not even try if you're having a lot of fun. Keep some energy in reserve, for you'll need it later on.

I did try to hibernate today. Was up in my room watching "Enchanted" and got caught with a white mask on my face when my sister, nieces, and boyfriend of oldest niece arrived early. Jumped in the shower while they all played Rock Band, then we all went to Mongolian Barbecue for dinner. Spent the rest of the evening in preparation for the big dance competition that two nieces are participating in tomorrow.

Think I'll go to bed now and keep energy in reserve as I have to do one niece's hair in the morning - two buns on the top of her head. I have experience with one bun; but it's a skater bun. Dancer buns could be a whole new ball of wax. Probably it will end up being a whole new ball of hair.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Couch Potatos - 1, Horoscopes - 0

Break the couch potato streak you've been on by going out and having some fun tonight, whether that means a trip to the mall, the latest movie, or checking out the newest hot spot in town.


Can "the latest movie" be interpreted as "a summer blockbuster that I've never seen before"? If so, I'm good. Though I was on the couch when I watched it. And I didn't get to see the end.

Really not looking too good for me, is it?

I did get out of the house during the day. Took Son to the Eye Dr. (he will require glasses in a year, a deficiency inherited from Husband's family genes), then took both kids to Open Skate at the Onyx. We met my girlfriend and her daughter - the amazing 4-year old skater - there. Daughter was giving 4-year old some skating tips. My friend has started a baking business and gave us two dozen pink lemonade flavored butter cookies which barely made the drive home. Son and I decided that Daughter should give skating lessons to 4-year old, whose mother can pay us in cookies.

We stopped at the Baldwin Public Library on the way home so Daughter could meet Lauren Myracle - Young Adult Author - and get her copy of L8ter G8ter signed.

I really wanted to get some work done this evening, but back was incredibly sore after ice rink so I self-medicated and melted into the couch, exactly where I wasn't supposed to be. Sigh.

Will I ever get it right?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Accuracy - we'll know when we get dressed

Your dreams are closer than you think now, so make sure you're ready to move forward at a moment's notice.

Tomorrow I plan to spend the day wearing a short negligee, so when my dreams knock on my door I can open it and say "Hel-Lo Big Boy! I'm ready to go."

What? That's not what this meant?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Too Unrealistic To Even Ask For Accuracy

Your tarot card this week is the Moon, which means you should be on guard against unrealistic ideas and fantasies.

Aren't fanatasies - by their very nature - unrealistic? When I fantasize it's about winning the lottery, or landing an agent, or finding that my husband has rediscovered the laundry chute. I don't waste my dream time with thoughts of carpooling, folding laundry, or cooking a dinner that everyone will like (oh wait - that's unrealistic too).

I also don't waste my time with fantasies of getting spotted in line at the drugstore and asked to star in the next George Clooney movie ... or even to write it.

What, exactly, is this Moon Card guarding me against? Isn't a girl allowed to dream a little? I'm pretty respectful of the Fantasy guidelines. I know that I'm not going to win the lottery, especially since I never buy a ticket. I don't continue to eat chocolate then cross my fingers and hope to be a size 2. I play by the rules.

Let me have my fun ... without tripping over a pair of boxers on the floor.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Accuracy - a big egg

Your willingness to compromise will restore harmony, and you'll learn something important about yourself in this process.

I guess I did compromise today when I let Husband out of his Committment to attend Easter dinner at my parent's house. When I informed him of the Easter Dinner Plan on March 1, he was told he wasn't required to attend. Then on March 14 he brought up the Easter Dinner Plan and insisted on accompanying us. I told him no - not necessary - but he was insistent.

Fast forward to yesterday afternoon when he started hemming and hawing (a technical term meaning pussyfooting) about joining us. This morning I asked him for his Easter Dinner Status -- Undetermined.

So I compromised and let him fill up my car with gas and clean the house while I was gone. Did I learn something about myself? Definitely. I don't really need a cleaning service after all.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Accuracy - too exhausted to tell

You'll find yourself rearranging everything from the furniture to long-term commitments as the Sun leaves your sign behind and enters Aries.

I had no energy to rearrange anything today. I had the freakiest dream last night - it was horrible. Have you ever woken up from a bad dream and then have it continue when you finally fall back asleep? That kept happening last night.

I woke up at 12:30 am from a horrible dream where Husband was leaving me and the kids to go live with his girlfriend in California. (Note: Husband does not really have a girlfriend). I couldn't talk him out of it and was yelling at him and woke up freaked out and scared and angry. Told myself it was just a dream, eventually got back to sleep, and the stupid dream continued! I was out of control. I was hitting him, and threatening that he would never see the kids again...and the whole time my dream Me was doing this the other parts of my brain were also saying things - like "This is exactly the opposite of how I wanted to handle this." and "I shouldn't let him know how much this really bothers me." and "This is just a dream, why are you so upset?" But I couldn't escape the dream, and I couldn't stop hitting him out of frustration! And he wasn't listening! He was very confident and happy with his decision to move away with his girlfriend.

I kept waking up then falling back into the dream - yelling and hitting and arguing.

Woke up exhausted.

Haven't recovered.

Watched Husband suspiciously over dinner.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

If today is your birthday....

Why, it is!

Little can discourage you and nothing can defeat you this year. The next six weeks bring new freedom -- not because you can suddenly do anything you want, but because you embrace your current state and take charge. A financial surge in April helps your plan. You share a creative spark with loving Leo and Scorpio.

That positive little missive, telling me what I have to look forward to until March 18, 2009, is from the Detroit Free Press. For nearly twenty years I've been saving the If Today Is Your Birthday paragraphs from both of the local papers. Here's the Detroit News prognosis:

Prepare for a few weeks of mystifying celestial weather through July. You may be working extra hours or following a path that leads to a dead end. Get all your loose ends sewn up so that when opportunity knocks in October and November, you will be ready to rock 'n' roll. Problems that develop in the spring should evaporate under a steady dose of good luck in the late fall. You will be wiser than usual in the autumn and can safely make life-altering decisions or meet a significant someone who has your best interests at heart.

What the?????

I've gone from freedom to mystifying celestial weather...and instead of taking charge I'll be experiencing problems in the spring. Now, I have no problem choosing which I'd like to believe, but what if the Freep is wrong and my take charge state leads me to a dead end? I don't want to wait until autumn to be wise and have a steady dose of good luck. I want it now! My year was looking a LOT rosier before I picked up the News. Which is why we only subscribe to the Freep.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Accuracy - A good strong social 8

Spend time with loved ones, restoring your relationships via fun, relaxing activities.

That is exactly what I did today. We took the kids to the Pistons game and sat in the VERY back row. I liked it, though, as I get claustrophobic in crowds. I'm assuming they won; we left in the 4Th quarter and they were ahead by 10. Then we came home and Husband and I figured out how to hook up our PS3 to our wireless connection(hooray!) and got online and ordered more songs for Rock Band. We are ridiculously addicted. Invited some friends over last night and played until after 10 pm - 4 adults singing, playing fake drums and guitar. It's GREAT! Son has gotten really good on "guitar" and comes home from school and does "solo tours." He tries all the songs on Expert and succeeds at none of them, but doesn't care. If only he would show this much interest in a sport. Daughter has turned into quite the drummer. I keep encouraging her to play the real drum set and eventually form some all-girl band. I don't know if my singing has improved at all, but I know I'm singing much more confidently - even the wrong notes.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Accuracy - 9.5. I desire a writing gig.

Everyone says you have to work hard to get what you want, but maybe you don't this time. Simply having the desire in mind might be enough to make something wonderful occur.

Last Monday I sent a query to a magazine about an essay I (ahem) have been working on and would they be interested? Today I got an email with an enthusiastic Yes! Now I have to admit -- I haven't written anything. I mean, I've written most of it in my head. But they want me to send it in! And they want 2,000 words!

Good grief I'm using a lot of explanation points today. My son's teacher taught the kids that explanation points are called Excitement Marks, because you use them when you are excited. I love that. One day my son was reading for school and I had to write down how he did. It was the first time he had really read well and I told him I was writing Great on his paper. He looked at it then picked up the pencil, "Mom, you forgot the Excitement Mark!"

Ok, time to get that essay out of my head and into my computer. Note to future employers: I don't query unless I have written something . . . on the empty space in my head.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Accuracy - 0, but still waiting

The Gemini Moon will help you bring new ideas into tangible form, so take some time this evening to put your innovative thoughts down on paper.

Here I am, ready and waiting to jot down any fabulously innovative thoughts.




And still waiting.

You might want to check back later.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Accuracy 0 - Is anyone listening?

You deserve to have what you want. Be as specific as possible, and stand back in amazement at how precisely the universe was listening to you.

I was so excited when I read the above this morning. I've watched The Secret, I've read Write it Down, Make it Happen, I knew exactly what to do. I wrote down "I want to know that I am a talented writer and that my work reaches people." Yes, I know, it sounds a little hokey, but what was I going to say? I kept thinking it all day; I actually repeated it out loud a few times (if I'm going to be hokey I'm going all the way). The only thing I got was a rejection (very nice, but still a rejection) of an essay I sent to the Christian Science Monitor. That's IT!

I'm doing my part...I'm being specific! I had lunch with a writer friend, I followed a lead she gave me. And all I really want is the confidence. Though....

Maybe I did get that today. At lunch my writer friend said, "When I look at all the books that get published I think it shows that there is an agent for everybody. If you're still getting rejected you just haven't found that one yet. And if you give up before you find them, it's your fault."

Monday scores an 8

As your tarot card this week, the Hanged Man will call for extra time in rest and meditation to facilitate emotional or physical healing.

Elliot was out tonite for work, and Alicia didn't have skating (for the first time in months), and the homework and housework were all done so the kids and I spent a relaxing evening at home.

But I have to laugh about the Tarot card...what else can a Hanged Man do but rest?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Accuracy - 0 - and we're back to hair and makeup

The Pisces Moon may encourage a magical change to your hair or wardrobe.

I have to laugh! I could use a magical change. Especially since, when I was bent over the bathtub washing my son's hair, Elliot and Alicia taunted me for 8 1/2 minutes about the many colors in my hair. Apparently the top is quite multi-colored, I think they counted 6 different colors, while the bottom of my hair (it was up in a ponytail) is quite brown and boring.

And my wardrobe! Today I'm wearing sweats. Nuff said.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Accuracy - A frustrating 10 regarding Rejection

You may be able to see what you want, but it's like you're outside a closed store, looking through the window. Instead of getting hooked by the impossibility of the situation, collect the images for future reference. You are planting seeds that will grow when you water them with action later on.

This is EXACTLY how I feel today. The Pisces book was rejected by another agent. She was very nice about it and had nice comments about my writing but I still feel so frustrated. I understand it's only been a few, but I feel so close...I just can't figure out how to get...inside the store.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Accuracy - "I like the costumes and their enthusiasm - I'll give them an 8!"

Why not take a sick day and just go with the flow?

Interesting...I didn't really take a sick day, but after I went to the gym this morning (I have to somehow fit in that I did do something constructive today, like exercise) I was restless and couldn't concentrate, so I created a new character on Rock Band and spent nearly an hour as the lead singer of the band Mom.

I rock.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Skating gets a 9

Those who know and love you will be singing your praises.

Hosted Alicia's skating team End-of-the-Year party/Baby Shower-for-Coach tonight, and while there was no "singing" I was totally surprised by flowers and a hefty gift card from the rest of the team moms (for my role as co-Team Manager). Stunned, actually. We had a lovely team this year.

Also, in a bit of synchronicity, we have all been waiting for our DVDs of the performance in Nashville (where the girls got 3rd place) to arrive. Ours showed up in the mail today so we were able to have it playing tonight.