Monday, March 31, 2008

Accuracy - What the ???????

You have entered a phase where your non-rational thoughts and feelings can float around in your dreams, detached from the specifics of what they mean. Instead of attempting to stuff them back into the rows and columns of linear logic, give them permission to wander through the forgotten corners of your mind.

Oh for Pete's sake.

As if I'm not freaky enough normally, now I'm being given permission by the UNIVERSE to be even freakier!

And isn't the punctuation in that first sentence wrong? Why do you need that comma after the word dreams? I guess it's not totally wrong, but I can't get OVER IT. I'm obsessing about punctuation when I should be giving my dreams permission to wander.

And I'm not sure I want to visit the forgotten corners of my mind. They are forgotten for a reason. I'm sure there's a drunken sorority party that I never want to see again, and a few old boyfriends too. And some clothes from the '80's. Oh, and some really bad hairstyles.

Great, now I'm depressed.

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