Thursday, March 20, 2008

Accuracy - too exhausted to tell

You'll find yourself rearranging everything from the furniture to long-term commitments as the Sun leaves your sign behind and enters Aries.

I had no energy to rearrange anything today. I had the freakiest dream last night - it was horrible. Have you ever woken up from a bad dream and then have it continue when you finally fall back asleep? That kept happening last night.

I woke up at 12:30 am from a horrible dream where Husband was leaving me and the kids to go live with his girlfriend in California. (Note: Husband does not really have a girlfriend). I couldn't talk him out of it and was yelling at him and woke up freaked out and scared and angry. Told myself it was just a dream, eventually got back to sleep, and the stupid dream continued! I was out of control. I was hitting him, and threatening that he would never see the kids again...and the whole time my dream Me was doing this the other parts of my brain were also saying things - like "This is exactly the opposite of how I wanted to handle this." and "I shouldn't let him know how much this really bothers me." and "This is just a dream, why are you so upset?" But I couldn't escape the dream, and I couldn't stop hitting him out of frustration! And he wasn't listening! He was very confident and happy with his decision to move away with his girlfriend.

I kept waking up then falling back into the dream - yelling and hitting and arguing.

Woke up exhausted.

Haven't recovered.

Watched Husband suspiciously over dinner.

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