Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Accuracy 0 - Is anyone listening?

You deserve to have what you want. Be as specific as possible, and stand back in amazement at how precisely the universe was listening to you.

I was so excited when I read the above this morning. I've watched The Secret, I've read Write it Down, Make it Happen, I knew exactly what to do. I wrote down "I want to know that I am a talented writer and that my work reaches people." Yes, I know, it sounds a little hokey, but what was I going to say? I kept thinking it all day; I actually repeated it out loud a few times (if I'm going to be hokey I'm going all the way). The only thing I got was a rejection (very nice, but still a rejection) of an essay I sent to the Christian Science Monitor. That's IT!

I'm doing my part...I'm being specific! I had lunch with a writer friend, I followed a lead she gave me. And all I really want is the confidence. Though....

Maybe I did get that today. At lunch my writer friend said, "When I look at all the books that get published I think it shows that there is an agent for everybody. If you're still getting rejected you just haven't found that one yet. And if you give up before you find them, it's your fault."


Chip Duford said...


This is the universe calling.

We hear you!

Now keep it down!

... we're trying to read The Onion!


Your friends, The Universe! :)

Stacey said...

The Universe is NOT that sarcastic!

Chip Duford said...

Oh really!

We are?


Not sarcastic?!?!


Look who knows so much!


Chip Duford said...

OH sure! Gemini moon gets ALL the compliments! Don't mind us dear!

We're just THE UNIVERSE!!!!

Didn't mean to keep you!

Go on back to your waiting.