Sunday, March 30, 2008

Yes, yes, I know I'm not productive and not confident

You are looking at new ways to live a more productive life, yet lack of confidence could get in the way of trying out your plan. Overcome your own resistance and external blockages will dissipate.

This is not news: I've been the only one getting in my way for years.

So I overcame my lack of confidence today and have an email being sent to an editor with a story pitch first thing in the morning (set up an automatic email so I can't chicken out). The pitch is not fabulous; it's not nearly as good as my book query letter, but I had to get it out. I've been sitting on the idea for over a month.

Just when I think I'm not productive, here's my list of things to do this week:

Submit script for video
Submit story pitch
Visit Shrink
Find book for Book Club
Attend end-of-season synchro party
Volunteer at Son's school
Book Club
Meet with internet radio person
Go to physical therapy
Attend synchro Executive Committee meeting
Get an MRI
Somehow fit writing, cleaning, cooking, mothering, and wifing in between all these assignments

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