Saturday, March 29, 2008

Accuracy/Activity Level - both at 10

Although withdrawing might sound like a great idea, there's so much going on that you probably won't be able to avoid it. You may not even try if you're having a lot of fun. Keep some energy in reserve, for you'll need it later on.

I did try to hibernate today. Was up in my room watching "Enchanted" and got caught with a white mask on my face when my sister, nieces, and boyfriend of oldest niece arrived early. Jumped in the shower while they all played Rock Band, then we all went to Mongolian Barbecue for dinner. Spent the rest of the evening in preparation for the big dance competition that two nieces are participating in tomorrow.

Think I'll go to bed now and keep energy in reserve as I have to do one niece's hair in the morning - two buns on the top of her head. I have experience with one bun; but it's a skater bun. Dancer buns could be a whole new ball of wax. Probably it will end up being a whole new ball of hair.

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