It's time to get out of the house and connect with people as we begin with a new moon in Aquarius on February 3.
Terrific. All my socializing this week is tonight and tomorrow -- well before the 3rd.
Your participation in a social group could be quite liberating now.
Fine. I GET it. And I AM getting out of the house today. Though I'm not sure how "liberating" it will be to talk to high school kids about creative writing. But again, BEFORE February 3.
It WAS good to get out and socialize today. Though I'm not sure how liberated I feel. Maybe inspired? I think I'll settle for less depressed.
Monday, January 31, 2011
So, Do I Avoid People Until February 3? 8
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wine and Horses and Rejection 3
Eat more white and purple foods to strengthen your psychic abilities.
Does red wine count? It looks purple. What about food that was white (rice noodles) until I put sauce on it? Oatmeal is white-ish, right? Or is it more taupe?
Suddenly a career in brain surgery sounds like just the thing -- even though you've been trained in accounting. It's time to change horses, right here in the middle of the stream.
Vraiment? Fine. Looking for my next horse. But what the heck am I going to do? I have no skills and I'm too tired and sore (see previous post) to learn any. Is there any sort of compensation for training for a marathon? I'd ride that horse.
Your dreams about where your career path is leading can be derailed today as someone challenges your capability.
I am TOTALLY prepared for this to happen when I go in to work today. I'll be surprised if it doesn't. Horoscope, I'd like you to be wrong.
There's a precious reward hanging in the balance. There's also a difficult maze you must maneuver to reach the goal. You will feel agile enough to pull this off.
Horoscope! Haven't you been paying attention? I'm stiff and sore.
Career plans slightly derailed but only because I have NO idea what's going to happen in the next few months and have to convince someone to see me differently and he's not cooperating. No maze, no reward.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My Horoscope Confirms That I am Getting Old 9
You are prone to getting stiff if you stay in the same position for too long. Experiment with movement. Get up, stretch, bounce around.
While I am sure that this happens to nearly everyone over the age of 40 it has been happening to me a lot lately and I am sufficiently freaked out. Now that my back is healed and I'm back to running, stiffness is my biggest problem.
Running downstairs to get the exercise ball and try sitting on that while I work. I am nothing if not obedient.
Got distracted, didn't get the exercise ball, didn't experiment with movement. Still very stiff and sore. Well played, Horoscope.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Can't I Just Eat An Avocado? -1
You'll be practicing a skill that doesn't come easily. Because you want to succeed, you will acquire excellence.
Wait, wait, wait. Is this a skill that doesn't come easily to me, or doesn't come easily to anyone? I've been practicing all kinds of skills that don't come easily to me: skating, running, being nice on a consistent I going to be working extra hard on one of these today? MORE INFORMATION PLEASE!
Beneficial colors are avocado green and coffee brown. Lucky numbers are 13 and 15.
Avocado green is not a beneficial color for anyone.
I wore my avocado green scarf all day only to sit in a freezing meeting for an hour and a half and end up with a killer verging-on-migraine headache that made me miss a birthday party AND find out that the class I was looking forward to taking was canceled! Horoscope, you F'ed up today. Big time!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Really? 0
Your current actions seem to wield more power than usual, but pushing too hard in the present moment can stir up more resistance than you need.
Yes, that's it. Just WTF.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Come On Let's Go!
You are more adventurous than others on your team. If you can assuage their fears, you will rise to the top.
I'M adventurous? And I'm SO tired of talking people into things.
Anyone you need to recruit for a cause will be signing on the dotted line.
Oh, I see. There's a theme. OK, wish I knew what I'm supposed to talk someone into. Especially since I already talked a kid into coming to Bring A Friend We're Gonna Break Boards day at karate with my son today and it was actually on SATURDAY!
I have an audition today. Maybe I'll talk them into hiring me.
So I don't know what this has to do with others on my team and talking them into stuff but I was TOTALLY adventurous this morning and worked my way up to doing a waltz jump at skating class! Go me!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Does This Please Me? 5
The need to please is a kind of disease that separates you from who you really are. Please yourself. Life will get much simpler, and you'll have a blast catering to your own needs.
I'm going to stop before any action today and ask "Does this please me?"
I think it's a pretty clear indication that I'm failing at my own life when I can't even remember to ask myself if I want to do things before I do them for a day. Sigh.
Friday, January 7, 2011
To Sign Up Or Not To Sign Up 0
Trust your intuition when faced with two equally inviting choices.
If you've been considering a class or more group involvement, this is the time to sign up.
Stick with the facts. Save the dreaming for another day when there's not to much at stake.
Take one giant step now in any direction. You'll end up on Park Place with tons of money.
I have been considering a class, but don't think I'm ready to sign up. And what's at stake today? Why can't I dream? What if I dream about taking the class? And AGAIN with the money promises, Horoscope? I grow weary.
Hey, Horoscope, how about on a day when I'm going to have a headache that grows steadily worse as the day goes on until I find myself beating my head against a wall while waiting for the pain meds to kick in you give me a little heads up like "take it easy today" instead of telling me to join a group and promising me money.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Ask Nice 7
Once you determine what it is you really want, others will be happy to help you attain it.
You must be careful now; if you inadvertently step over the line of acceptability you'll need to make amends quickly.
So, when I figure out what I want (doubtful) I need to ask politely?
I kinda figured out what I wanted but have to admit that I was not very nice about asking. In fact, I was pretty demanding. But all I want is a little updating to my house and I did ALL the work while it was for sale and since it didn't sell I think I DESERVE some updating done here for all the time I put in and yes, this is exactly how I presented my argument and yes, my volume may have been kind of loud but IWANTITIWANTITIWANTITIWANTITIWANTIT!!!!!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
So I'm Supposed To Do Some Ironing? 5
If you can just cross off a few items on that to-do list, you'll be amazed at how easily your efforts can produce gold. Unfortunately, yawning and edging your way back toward the couch may be all you can muster up the energy to do. Oh, just give it one good try.
You may receive an income boost today and, thankfully, every little bit helps. Fortunately, this isn't an ethereal buzz that materializes from a different dimension. Financial advice that can have an immediate and positive impact on your day comes to you in the form of a concrete suggestion from someone you know. But don't be content to stick with one approach. It makes good sense now to keep a few extra irons in the fire.
So, am I getting income or just advice? So tired of all these promises. I've been paying attention and working hard and watching every damn iron that I have in the fire and...NOTHING!
Got my butt off the couch and did end up talking about a potential gig, so I'll give you that one, Horoscope. No real income boost or financial advice today, no concrete suggestion from someone I know. All my irons are still in the fire. As always.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Dear Horoscope, All I Really Wanted To Hear Is That I'm Going To Win The Lotto 0 (updated)
You will show tremendous heart as you support someone who may or may not come through. This is more about loyalty than winning. Loved ones appreciate your encouragement.
Isn't it always?
(This is for January)
Your social circle will explode at the solar eclipse on the 4th, and energetic Mars will ensure that every face you meet brings opportunities. On this same date, Jupiter and Uranus will conjoin for the last time until 2024, and you could get an exciting offer that will leave you speechless. It's likely to be career oriented, given Venus also enters this sector on the 7th. When the full moon arrives on the 19th, your closest relationship will culminate precisely the way you'd hoped. Though you've had financial problems over the past few months, when Jupiter moves into Aries on the 22nd, any money troubles will be long forgotten. This is a rare chance to reach fiscal fortitude-- seize it!!
Well, well, well, January Horoscope, you are full of promises and money. Today is the 4th and the only people I really plan to see today are the carpet cleaners and the only opportunity I can imagine them bringing me is the chance to have cleaner carpets but you are just so darn positive that I am prepared to be open-minded. Bring on the friends and money!
2 pm. I haven't encouraged anyone (yet) today (though I did help a guy out in the produce aisle at the grocery store) and I forgot to buy a ticket for the $330 million lotto so I guess I won't be winning that. I remain open-minded, Horoscope. Bring it on!
So, Horoscope, there were LOTS of promises made for yesterday: new people, new opportunities, money, offers, etc. What did I get? A COLD! And many of the other horoscopes for yesterday and the month (which I did not reproduce because Blogger no longer has the cut and paste option which is really irritating and making me consider moving this blog - yet again) promised that I would reap the benefits of all my hard work from last year so when NOTHING showed up did I doubt you, Horoscope? No. I doubted ME. Maybe I didn't work hard enough last year. Maybe I didn't do enough to deserve rewards.
What is wrong with me? Why is there even a part of me that would choose to think that because unnamed and hypothetical riches failed to show up that I must be undeserving? I'm still struggling with this. Part of me WANTS to believe. But how can I believe when all that belief does is make me doubt myself?
Sunday, January 2, 2011
So I Guess I Need A Check List 3
Your mind is so creative, and it will give you many different answers to the problems that life and business set before you -- so many, in fact, that it will be challenging to know which solution is the best.
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
You are standing at the edge of a canyon and there's no apparent way across to the other side. Instead of rushing the looming transition, return to your checklist and go over the details one last time before blasting ahead.
I have no idea what this means except that I'm probably in for some trouble.
You get no points for vagueness, Horoscope.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Today's Horoscope Can (And Will) Apply To The Whole Year 3
Push through your fears of rejection, even if it seems like no one appreciates your extra effort. Don't rely on getting approval for your actions; just listen to your instincts and do what feels natural.
Good advice for the whole year. I think I'll take it.
You will do something courageous. You will express yourself without worrying how others will judge you.
OK, then. I get it.
You'll have lots of energy today; instead of tackling mundane tasks, channel your enthusiasm into a new creative project.
So, I DID email my boss and told him that I wanted to work more in 2011 but other than that I was a sloth; lying on the bed, doing crossword puzzles, reading magazines, and watching a Larry Sanders marathon. Not exactly courageous, Horoscope. And sorry, I had no enthusiasm or creativity.