Monday, September 29, 2008

Germ party 0

Hang on to your hat. You may be stirred to make snap decisions and move at a brisk pace with social affairs.

The only thing I wanted to do with my hat was throw up in it. No snap decisions and no brisk pace and certainly no social affairs. Had such a brutal headache I nearly cancelled Daughter's ortho appointment; but I didn't send her to school with lunch as the appt. was during her lunch hour and she wouldn't have anything to eat. Yes, I know, I'm such a good mom for not letting my daughter starve so I could nap and/or lie moaning about my headache.

Still, even through the nausea and horrible headache it wasn't a bad day. Finished some work, heard from a part-time gig I applied for last month and, yes, they want me, and Daughter worked out skating issues and is feeling better. Oh, and son is learning to write with his left hand because of the broken arm. The nice thing is that his regular handwriting is still so sloppy that the left-hand writing doesn't look that bad.

I'm convinced I contracted some disgusting germs from handling money in the concession stand Saturday night. Maybe the germs are moving at a brisk pace through my system and will be gone tomorrow.

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