Monday, September 1, 2008

Stop telling me I'm not good enough! 8

The transitions you've been going through lately have all been very exciting, but you need to be careful not to assume that big changes equal big improvements! A new routine becomes an old routine eventually, so unless you are more conscious of the new things and people in your life, this transformation will be lost on you.

So now I'm not pay enough attention? It's not enough to do the work anymore, and do it well? I don't even know what this MEANS! I don't know who the new things or new people are, but I do know that I am TRYING to pay attention and figure out what I'm supposed to be doing and would seriously appreciate a frickin' break.

Why do I keep feeling like one step forward = two steps back?

I'm trying to calm down. I'm trying to remember that my thoughts create my reality and that if I think I'm in a rut, I will be in a rut. Rut, routine ... whatever.

Maybe I'm feeling desperate because I haven't really slept and my back isn't any better and I'm afraid I'm going to end up having to have surgery that I don't want to have. Or that nothing will ever work out and I'll never get a job.

But you know what? That's ridiculous. I'm not sure if I believe in "transformation" but I do believe that I've been working hard and hard work pays off.


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