Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yes, I'm distracted 3

Distractions abound that may lure you away from achieving today's goals. Stick to your guns and make sure that you finish the job. This isn't a good time to begin a new project.

Distractions like a KID WITH A BROKEN ARM? Where was that warning yesterday? How about "Don't try to micromanage your day with a schedule that will fall apart if even a MINUTE is out of place unless you want something bad to happen." THAT would have been helpful. Because last night I rushed home from 30 minutes away with a crying daughter in tow to get to the hospital and find out that my son - who I had dragged to a talent agency waiting room and my husband's office - had a broken humerus bone.

Is Mom Guilt the most powerful force on earth? I swear it's stronger than kryptonite. Today I ordered a Domino's thin crust pizza for lunch because that's what Son has been asking for for the last 3 weeks. I also let him play video games all day, because it was the only thing he could do. And because I felt incredibly guilty.

So, no new projects today. Unless you count trying how to figure out how to dress a small boy who can't move one arm.

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