Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How about 'practically no action' instead? 5

Taking practical action will ensure your foundation is solid and firmly laid. Eliminating physical clutter will have a cleansing effect on your heart and mind.

Oops. I thought about doing both of these things today but never quite got there. I started out strong, took a walk while listening to "power thoughts." Yes, it is as pathetic as it sounds. I had no real direction until my mom called and asked if I'd update her website. So I tried to be productive but my server wasn't cooperating and oh my God I am totally making excuses for being a slacker all day.

If I'm practical and productive tomorrow will it still count? I probably could get up and do something right now but, you know, House is on and Wilson is back and the new Entertainment Weekly arrived in the mail today and ....

I'm really not helping myself, am I?

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