Thursday, September 18, 2008

Next thing you know I'll be home schooling 6

Travel far beyond the normal avenues and let a whim take you to exciting new places. A permanent change could be in the making due to your experimentation and sincerity.

It was a whim kind of day - but who knows if it will really lead to anything. I went to an audition this morning for a character voice over - the type of spot I usually don't get called for. I'm not one of those people who have a million different voices in their head ... wait a minute, I DO have a million different voices in my head but they stay there and they are all yelling at me. They don't come out of my mouth in a million different forms to help me make money.

While I was there I asked about the commercial I was called back for on Wednesday, being sure to mention that I dragged my kid there with a broken arm. The agent said I didn't get the part, and they are still looking for teen girls, and as Daughter has been harassing me about not letting her audition I told the agent I would be back in the afternoon with Daughter.

She had a sleepover planned at the home of a BFF so I brought them both and BFF got to sit in and watch the audition. I don't think Daughter got the part either, but the agent asked if she could call her again. I refuse to believe that my entire career has been leading to this: showbiz mom. Yet the agent also asked if Son was available (as he stood there with an arm in one sling and about the wiggliest tooth you can imagine still being attached to his gums). So here I am. And I guess my future involves driving my children from audition to audition with makeup and scripts and clothing changes in the car.

Seriously, I thought this was still all about me.

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