Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You always tease tease tease 0

The money you'll need for an unexpected expense will just happen to be in your hands at the exact moment you need it, thanks to the benevolent Libra Moon.

Oh Libra Moon, why are you being so stingy with me? What did I ever do to you? Did you give the rest of the Pisces the money they needed and ran out before you got to me? "Oh, Stacey won't mind. I'll just send her an incredibly low-paying writing gig and that should keep her happy."

Listen, Moon, I'm already a martyr in my house, I don't need to be the martyr for an entire astrological sign as well. Let someone else do it for a while.

And if the check just got held up in the mail, I apologize for over-reacting.

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