Thursday, September 11, 2008

How do you re-learn how to daydream? 4

When was the last time you had an honest-to-goodness daydream? You know, the kind you used to have in school that were so engrossing and distracting that you didn't hear it when the teacher called on you? If the answer is anything other than 'yesterday,' you need to pick a fantasy today and go for it! You'll have the down time to do it, whether it's during gnarly traffic, at a lengthy meeting or right before bed time. You've got to exercise your creativity and have fun!

How do you manufacture a daydream? I feel like I spend ALL my time daydreaming so I have no idea how to pick just one to concentrate on tonight. And it's not like I had a lot of downtime ... on the commute to skating I was drilling Son on spelling words and pretty much spent the day multi-tasking. I DID have some time while Husband and Son were at Cub Scouts but - for some inexplicable reason - I spent the entire time reading about Sarah Palin in the latest Newsweek. Obviously I have lost my ability to daydream. I'm actually just too plain exhausted. Woke up at 5:30 this morning and couldn't fall back asleep so I got up and did some writing. Perhaps I need to daydream about the world's most comfortable bed and no alarm clock tomorrow morning.

re: Sarah Palin. Does anyone else feel like McCain chose her to make us all feel like we're living in the Cat fight episode of Seinfeld? It's like he's doing everything he can to make the girls start fighting.

And I never did figure out who yesterday's Resentful Receiver was. Come on, people, speak up!


Anonymous said...

I am daydreaming that Sarah Palin will disappear into the glacial ether from whence she came...Interestingly, I have yet to speak to a woman friend who says she approves of Sarah Palin, so there have been no cat fights in my arena so far. That said, I haven't been hanging out with many Republicans lately... :-)

Anonymous said...

Um, is it bad if I daydream every chance I get? That's when I say EXACTLY what's on my mind and it's so unbelievably eloquent! There's no hindsight in daydreams, people.

Only the Half of It said...

I daydream all the time. And I'm a big night dreamer. I used to look forward to going to be to see what would be showing that night. :-)