Monday, May 5, 2008

Can my life get a ticket for speeding? - 10

Your daily rhythms are speeding up, even if your life is already busy.

If my life got any busier I'd need a twin. As it is I'm trying to be in two places at once most of the day. Totally missed Son's baseball game. Though I think he's a little tougher when I'm not around (boy I hate to admit that).

Spent most of my afternoon/evening working my cranky out on 60 Oompa Loompas from the middle school play. One little (insert bad word here) was giving me attitude because I wouldn't let her take her cell phone on stage! Luckily Daughter spends most of her time onstage or backstage on the other side and didn't view my tyrant behavior, though I'm sure she'll hear about it at school tomorrow.

Tomorrow is more of the same. Appointments, meetings, rehearsals, and the 1st grade Egypt play and it just continues on through the rest of the week and next.

I was reading some other Astrology Blogs today and read the most interesting one about how Pluto, though not a real planet, has done a darn fine job predicting the sexual scandals of A) the church then B) government. I can't help but be curious as to who is next!

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