Monday, May 26, 2008

The nothingness continues ... 10

Don't worry if you don't get much done today; your energy will start to pick up again in a few days, thanks to your tarot card for this week, the Sun.

I wonder if it's possible to do less than watch a small town parade and then sit by the pool. Maybe if I hadn't left the house, I could have gotten less accomplished. But today was the perfect today to not do anything. Sunny, warm, gorgeous. We dropped Son off at the parade start to ride the Cub Scouts wagon, then set up our chairs in the last shady spot along Beverly Rd. Some friends joined us and Husband taught the kids how to whistle using a blade of grass. Both of the kids won goldfish at the fair (terrific) then we changed and headed to the packed swim club. Husband made dinner and we ate outside.

A perfect day. So glad I didn't try to do anything.

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