Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Jeep full of Wonderbread - 2

The advice of others may not be quite so reliable, but you'll easily wade through what's legit and what's not -- as long as you pay attention to the signs along the way.

I believe I did see a sign today, but I have no idea what it means.

I drove over to Clinton Township (during rush hour!) to emcee the Girl Scouts of Macomb County Women of Distinction awards for the second year in a row. I A) don't live in Macomb County, B) was not a Girl Scout (though Daughter was for a year or two) C) am not a Woman of Distinction, but for some reason they like me to emcee their event, probably because I do it for free and can ad lib when the microphone quits or the stage is full of giggling, antsy 9-year old girls. I was running late, as usual, and had to park at the far end of the parking lot of the Fern Hill Country Club near the signs that say "Park at your own risk. Not responsible for damage to cars by golf balls." I don't think these signs really show a lot of confidence in their golfers, but that's not for me to judge. I passed a long row of cars on my walk in and one of them was a Jeep full of Wonderbread. I mean FULL of Wonderbread! There were so many loaves of Wonderbread that it would be impossible for the driver to see out of the back windows and the back seat was nearly full.

Now I'm sure that if I'd seen a Jeep full of Wonderbread in a dream some highly evolved dream interpretation expert would be able to tell me exactly what it means. But I was awake. And it was still daylight. The familiar wrapper, white with red and blue stripes, stood out through the back window like a clown at a bank.

I'm aware that grocery prices have risen like crazy lately; but what would make a person panic and fill their Jeep with loaf after loaf of Wonderbread? Even if it was on sale - or free! - where would you store that many loaves and how long would they last (or maybe I don't want to know the answer to that.)

Since I was at a golf course I wondered if maybe there is a new and interesting way to use Wonderbread to lower one's golf score.

Or...maybe that particular Jeep doesn't have airbags and the soft, squishy loaves are there for protection in case of an accident.

So, back to the "sign" thing. Is someone hoarding hundreds of loaves of Wonderbread an omen? Does it signal the imminent end of the world? Should I be buying up bottled water and batteries? And if the Wonderbread-filled Jeep owner has this information, shouldn't they be sharing it with the rest of us?

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