Saturday, May 17, 2008

Show me the money - 0

Green gemstones like emeralds or jade will draw money to you in surprising ways, so wear or carry some today.

Wore my jade ring all day yesterday and if money was drawn to me in surprising ways it was so surprising that I didn't even recognize it. No checks in the mail, no job offers, no agents begging for my book.

Money has been an issue lately, too. Husband has been struggling with a job decision and said that it would be easier if I were working. I am working, just not making a lot of money at it right now. And it's the wrong time to start looking for a job because all summer I spend my time driving the children from skating to swimming to golf.

I need more freelance work. I'm trying to think positively and not desperately, but I feel like the Universe recognizes me for the overly-made-up-low-cut-top-wearing-desperate-not-to-go-home-alone job seeker that I am.

1 comment:

Karen Buscemi said...

Why don't you ever wear that top around me? What, I'm not good enough???