Sunday, September 14, 2008

Are incense stores open on Sunday evening? 2

Burn ocean incense to cleanse your aura and the atmosphere during an important conversation this evening.

IF I had had an important conversation this evening - and believe me I didn't, the most important conversation after 5 pm being me asking why Son was up past his bedtime playing Rock Band when I got home from skating carpool - I would not have had the necessary ocean incense on hand to cleanse my aura and the atmosphere.

Even if I owned ANY kind of incense (I don't) I can't imagine how the conversation would have gone down.

VIP: We need to discuss something important.

Me: Can you hang on a minute? I need to light some incense to cleanse the atmosphere before we get started.

I can understand the general "light incense" direction I get in a horoscope every once in a while but why the specific scent? And why ocean? And what does ocean incense smell like?

Once again I am reminded of a Seinfeld episode: I don't know the name of it but Kramer tries to create a cologne that recreates the scent of the ocean. I think Calvin Klein ends up creating "The Beach" and Kramer poses in his underwear. Yup, that's pretty much the plot as I recall it. Creating something with the scent of the ocean was pretty ludicrous then and seems equally ludicrous now.


LaMaman said...


I saw that episode. Did you know you advertise on your blog and get paid? I am may be only pennies. You can also try to get sponsors. Hmmm, maybe something to do with horoscopes!

Stacey said...

I need someone to sponsor my life, not just my blog!