Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Freaky Tuesday 7

With one chirpy 'good morning!' you will be able to turn a frown into a smile -- and get a rush from your ensuing sense of power. Spread your bright demeanor to strangers and friends alike, and make it a great day.

I see you've been peeking into my windows again, Universe. I'm reading The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale right now and did make a conscious effort today to remain positive -- even when crazy things were happening.

Daughter and I waited, at 6:30 am, for her ride to skating but realized at 6:40 am that they weren't going to show. So I jumped in the car and drove her to the rink. She called me as I was driving home, her coach wasn't at the rink!

Then just as I was getting ready to head out and read my book at a day camp the power went out!

Then - and this may be the freakiest of all - I went to my writing partner's house with a bottle of wine and we got so involved in writing that we forgot to drink it!

I know!

Turns out I had screwed up on the skating issue (no surprise there) and our carpool knew the coach wouldn't be there and slept in. The power came back on around 2:30 pm, and Karen and I actually got a lot of work done. I think it's because I refused to be defeated by the day's events. At one point, as we sat in the dark house unable to cook anything for lunch, Daughter said "This is a bad day."

"It's just a weird day," I said.

It reminds me of when Daughter was 3 and obsessed with watching The Wizard of Oz. She watched it every single day, even though she was terrified of the witch. So Husband and I had to make sure one of us was in the room each and every time the witch made her first appearance so we could put Daughter at ease by saying, "She's not bad. She's just misunderstood."

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