Thursday, July 17, 2008

Congratulations! It's a .... 6

If you listen closely to what others are saying today, you'll gain amazing insight under the Capricorn full Moon. Internal conflicts or power struggles can be eliminated if you just accept conditions as they are and trust that the Universe will change things in due time.

The only person I really heard today said that my writing is smart and funny. But also a little negative. I can see that. I'm a little cynical, I'll cop to it. But I do want the reader to finish reading feeling better about themselves, and me, so I need to do some work.

Can't think about writing today, though, I'm deep in the throes of basement cleaning. It's quite addicting. I've been throwing things out like crazy, including all my old - and negative - journals. I'm not thrilled to find that I'm still writing about the same issues at 44 that I was writing about at 24. Yikes.

And so, Universe, I AM accepting things as they are: I'm unemployable, smart and funny but negative, and unable to raise money for a documentary. I wouldn't mind knowing when "due" time is, though. In my experience, the first time you hear "due" the time frame is 9 months. I'm praying that is not the case now.

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