Sunday, July 27, 2008

She can't bring home the bacon 8

You may be in a spiritual funk because you recognize the vast gulf between human potential and what we actually do with it. Your dreams feel very alive now, yet their clarity also accentuates where reality falls short. Instead of spending your time detailing everything that's wrong with your life, your family or the world, shift your attention onto what works. Then, rather than trying to change what's unchangeable, improve on what you can.

This feels uncomfortably close to what I was thinking as I drove home 4 1/2 hours - alone - from dropping Daughter and Other Skaters off at camp in Ohio. I feel very scattered these days and can't figure out where to focus my energy. I keep hoping that I'll get some kind of sign that will be so obvious that even I will be able to figure out "Oh! I should get back to that chapter book!"

So far, nothin.

So I decided on the drive home that I would just keep working at everything. Work on one thing a day. See what sticks. Or, according to my 'scope, see what I can improve on.

But what if I don't improve on anything? And, if I'm honest, I'm not really looking for a sign as to what I should be working on, I'm looking for a sign as to what to work on that will bring me an income. I've got lots of great, fun, interesting projects, but none of them are bringing home any bacon.

I need bacon.

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