Sunday, July 6, 2008

Timing is everything 2

Almost effortlessly, you can go beyond people's expectations without breaking a sweat. The key is you just can't think too much about it. Pondering your next move is going to paralyze you.

Who wouldn't get paralyzed thinking about that? There are people out there with some pretty high expectations of me and getting beyond them is not only going to be sweaty, it's going to be ugly and gross and might just be impossible.

I wish I knew what action to take. At this point, there isn't anything else I can DO except approach more strangers and ask for money. It doesn't help that I just read an article in Newsweek about documentaries. It seems that after a few were popular a few years ago distributors went crazy buying up new ones and lost a ton of money so now they are skittish. Great. I really thought my timing was working out this time.

I need to effortlessly meet someone rich and powerful.

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